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25 Facts About Guinea Pigs

The Guinea Pig is crepuscular, meaning they are usually active between sunrise and sunset. Below, we’ve listed a few of the most elusive facts about Guinea Pigs.

In the case of arousing guinea pigs, they may frequently perform a series of jumps through the air, which is also known by the name of “popcorning”.

Guinea porcine communicate with each other using the use of squeaks as well as purrs, chirps, and squeaks.

A female guinea pig is known as”sow,” while a male is known as a “sow”, and a male is known as”boar” “boar”.

Fun Facts About Guinea Pigs

Facts About Guinea Pigs


  1. Guinea Pigs can last up to 10-years!
  2. A Guinea pig can walk within a few minutes.
  3. There are three basic kinds of domestic guinea pigs that their hair colour can distinguish.
  4. American/English A short, smooth and silky coat.
  5. Abyssinian is a twirly coat of hair that swirls into rosettes.
  6. They have Peruvian straight hair that is silky and long.
  7. Guinea Pigs have teeth that grow continuously throughout their lives.
  8. The guinea pig’s eyes are open. its eyes when it is in the womb of its mother 14 days before the birth
  9. While they’re known as “Guinea Pigs”, they aren’t related to pigs. They are named after their small and robust body, as well as their piggish look. “Guinea” refers to Guyana as a nation within its natural habitat.
  10. Guinea pigs do not need to be able to sleep for long durations? Instead, they prefer taking brief naps during the day and into the night.
Facts About Guinea Pigs
  1. Guinea pigs don’t have the same amount of feet on their front feet compared to hindfoot. They have 4 toes on their forefeet and three on their hind feet.
  2. They are very social and enjoy being with other animals and even humans.
  3. They require a supplement of vitamin C since they are unable to create it on their own.
  4. They aren’t from Guinea. Guinea pigs are native to the Andes are located in South America. The word ‘guinea’ that is in their name is somewhat of a mystery. A theory suggests they were transported into Europe by Spanish explorations during the 1500s through Guinea in Africa. People believed they came from there, or perhaps it’s an abbreviation of the word “Guiana,” an area in South America.
  5. They’re not related to pigs in any way. While male guinea pigs are known as boars while females are called sows, these rodents are not related to pigs. The scientific term for them is “Cavia Porcellus. This is the reason why they are often called cavies. The word “Marcellus” is the Latin word for “little pig”. The name might be due to the squeaking sounds that resemble the pigs that they make.
  6. They aren’t a good match for rabbits. There is a common misconception that you can safely keep rabbits and guinea pigs together. While rabbits can be a nuisance to rabbits, but they have different requirements. Rabbits also can carry diseases that are detrimental to guinea pigs.
  7. They enjoy chatting with one another. Although they are fond of human contact, Guinea pigs should be with other members of their species and always be kept in small groups. They communicate by making various noises that include the well-known “wheek-wheek call, which can be a sign of excitement or to seek out an acquaintance – as well as an incredibly low “purring” sound that they emit when they’re happy and relaxed. They also make a series of ‘putt-putt’ sounding noises while they’re playing.
  8. They smell to mark their things. The guinea pigs smell to mark their surroundings with their chins or cheeks on objects, which helps to keep their surroundings scenting familiar and comforting. This is why it’s crucial to ensure that you put some of the bedding back in their homes after cleaning. They drag their bottoms over the ground, leaving scents as messages that other guinea pigs can only recognize.
  9. They sleep only for brief intervals. While crepuscular animals are the most active between dawn and dusk, guinea pigs can be found in the open for up to 20 hours throughout the day. This means that they require continuous access to water, food as well as companion guinea pigs. Safe areas to hide in and toys that keep them busy, in addition to an exercise space with tubes to run through, shelters for hiding in, and large areas of hay for them to explore and snack on.
  10. They can break into dance. But not really, but when they’re overly excited, guinea pigs fly in a straight line and often turn 90 degrees in mid-air. They perform an elegant little dance called ‘pop corning’.
Facts About Guinea Pigs
  1. They’re oddly sized of toes. Guinea Pigs are blessed with four feet on their fronts; however, only three toes on their backs. Although this could be beneficial for burrowing and tunnelling, it also means that they aren’t extremely agile and are weak climbers and will only be able to climb low-pitched ramps. However, they are extremely curious, so make sure there aren’t any hazards in their surroundings that could cause curious cavies to hurt themselves.
  2. They’re fast learners. The guinea pigs born as pups have open eyes and fur and can run as young as two hours old, which is extremely handy for predators. When they reach three weeks old, they have been weaned and become fully mature within three months. However, they’ll continue growing by size till they reach about 1 year old.
  3. They require vitamins supplements. Like humans, guinea pigs aren’t capable of storing or making Vitamin C. Fooding good quality, grass-based guinea-pig nuggets rich in fibre, Vitamin C, and high in nutrients. This is the most effective method to ensure that they get all the nutrients they require and a handful of leafy greens, like dandelion and broccoli, spinach, kale, and spinach. Avoid eating muesli-style foods as they have been proven to trigger digestive issues and dental diseases. Learn more about it here.
  4. They should eat plenty and plenty of hay. Quality feed hay that is of the highest quality is the most important part of the diet of a guinea fowl. They are mini grazers, and not only is this beneficial to the digestive system function well but gnawing on hay helps keep their ever-growing teeth at the proper length. Gnaw sticks could be an additional delicious treat to keep guinea pig teeth in great shape.
  5. They can live long lives. If they are fed the right diet and a suitable environment and company compassion and love, the guinea pig can live as long as seven years. The oldest known guinea pig, named Snowball, has lived to 14 and 10 months and earned a spot on the Guinness Book of Records!
  6. The idea of the ideal animal for kids, smaller animals like guinea pigs, tends to be more difficult to feed and take care of than a dog or cat and require more attention than a child could provide. Therefore, all responsibility for the well-being of animals is the responsibility of adults.
Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.



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