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Betta Fish Facts | Behavior And Eating Habits

In the cruel trade for pets, the betta fish (aka “Siamese fighting fish”) fight against each other for the chance to survive. Pet shops, discount stores, florists, and websites sell bettas that are restricted to tiny cups, small bowls, and even vases for flowers. Read some amazing Betta Fish facts here!

Many who buy these fish on impulse do not know enough about proper treatment for bettas, which is more complicated and costly than they are aware of. In this article, you will learn the reasons why you shouldn’t buy Bettas (or another animal) at a pet shop. If you already own a betta fish pet, we’ll teach you how you can give your animal the best possible quality of life.

What’s in a Name?

When you be able to find Bettas called “Siamese fighting fish” or “labyrinth fish,” their scientific name is Betta splendens. However, they’re referred to they are delicate and complex animals that suffer a lot when the trade in pet products exploits them.

Betta Fish Facts

Betta fish originate from Asia and are found in the shallow waters of ponds, marshes, and slow-moving rivers. Male bettas have dedicated fathers who construct burrows to their children by putting their mouths in them and then fiercely defend their children from predators. Just like us, betta fish are diurnal. This means that they’re active throughout the day, but they sleep at night and require darkness to enjoy a peaceful sleep.

While some bettas are caught on the open sea, most bettas sold within the U.S. come from breeding farms in Thailand and other countries of Southeast Asia, where it’s normal practice to keep the fish in small bottles. When they are ready to be packed for transportation into the U.S., fish are scattered in baskets, lined with nets, then collected into small plastic cups.

The delicate fish are terribly affected by the pet trade in which they are subjected to poor treatment from the moment they’re born on breeding farms up to when they’re taken to pet stores and then sold.

Also, read Fishing Facts!

What Do Bettas Eat?

Plant roots aren’t a good source of food source for Betta fish. Bettas are carnivores who consume mostly insect larvae and insects. A diet that is solely composed of plant roots could be able to keep them alive for quite a time; however, as it is not a source of the right nutrients required for the species, they eventually end up dying and becoming sick.

Don’t feed your fish too much. Food that has not been eaten or garbage in aquariums can cause them to overflow, leading to ammonia and nitrite levels increasing and becoming toxic. If your tank already has a betta or any other fish in your tank, remember that you must provide the amount of food they will consume in around three minutes.

Bigotry is when categories like gender, race, age or disability, sexual orientation, or species are used as a reason to excuse discrimination.

Do Betta Fish Get Lonely?

Betta fish are prone to sadness and frustration. Although they can be content in their tank on their own, however, their surroundings require lots of enrichment, including caves or plants and space to explore. Additionally, they are stressed when their fins are picked at by non-compatible fish within the tank.

Can Betta Fish Live With Other Fish?

With plenty of space and a variety of places to hide, female bettas might be able to reside in a tranquil group. Although males may fight male gouramis and other males (a like-looking species), female bettas may be able to live as a single in an “community” aquarium containing certain other gentle species of fish, including Cory catfish and Kohli loaches. They can also be Guppies. They also can coexist with nonfish species like ghost shrimp, snails, and Frogs.

If aggression becomes a problem in any tank that is a community one, you must maintain a separate working quarantine tank in which the fish are placed in order to prevent conflicts with the other species of fish.

Betta Fish Behavior

According to PetMD Betta, fish are able to recognize humans as their guardians. They are known to swim with excitement when they spot their guardians coming towards them. They are extremely interested and are able to look at any new objects that are added to their tank. This can keep them entertained.

Do Fish Get Frustrated Inside a Tank?

Pet stores, discount superstores and florists, and catalogs on the internet offer “decorative” bettas in small vessels or cups. The fish typically live within a few ounces of freshwater. This isn’t enough to move around in or even be able to swim in. Any suitable habitat for captive bettas needs to include enrichments like caves or rocks and living plants.

How to Set Up a Betta Fish Tank

Maintaining and setting up an adequate aquarium for any species of fish is more difficult, time-consuming, costly, and expensive than many people are aware of. This is the reason why PETA advises against purchasing fish for “pets.” If you already have bettas in your aquarium, you can help them live a better life by giving them a space similar to their natural habitat as possible. Although captive fish will never live in a natural environment, the following suggestions will ensure that they are as content as possible.

What kind of fish could live with bettas(c)

The rule is that no fish should be kept in tanks that are smaller than 10 Gallons. But, a single betta could be kept in a 5-gallon tank, but larger than that is better. The majority of tap water in the city contains chloramine and chlorine, both of which can kill fish; therefore, you should clean tap water by using a water conditioner before adding it to your aquarium.

When a tank has been installed with a functioning filter (bettas use low flow settings) and substrate and ornaments, it should be cycled for a few weeks before adding fish. Testing kits can aid in determining when the tank has finished the cycle. This allows the beneficial bacteria to develop that are vital in breaking down ammonia, a poisonous gas after fish are added to the tank. The bacteria transform waste from fish into nitrates.

These can be eliminated only through periodic water changes. Around 10% of the water in a tank needs to be replaced and removed every week. Additionally, a gravel vacuum must be employed to get rid of waste materials out of the bottom. Chemicals that are harsh and soapy shouldn’t be used for cleaning a tank because these chemicals are harmful to fish.


The water temperature should be maintained between 76 – the temperature of 82 degrees. Because of this, Bettas shouldn’t be kept in tanks with goldfish, which require cooler water to remain at ease. The aquarium must be placed in an area that is constantly and easily controlled. Keep in mind that living plants placed on top of small containers could limit access to oxygen since they draw oxygen through the top of the aquarium.

This is just a shortlist of guidelines. Do your research thoroughly before deciding to accept the responsibility of taking care of any fish.

Betta Fish Price

The final price betas pay for their pets is the price they pay for their lives. Living creatures with distinct requirements and desires should not be sold as property. Don’t forget: Buying a betta fish from an animal retailer or breeder’s store does not mean “rescuing” an animal–it’s funding the abuse and exploitation of this species. If you own a maintained aquarium, ask your neighbors, friends, and even adoption groups for a fish to adopt, but don’t help the fish trade by visiting an animal store or dealer.

Take Action for Betta Fish!

People protest against the sale of siamese fighting fish by Petco

Petco continues to offer these fish in tiny containers that are not adequate. Fish shouldn’t be made to suffer and die inside a small bowl.

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