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15 + Unexplored Facts About Addiction

Addiction is a complicated and complex illness. When you look into it, new details about addiction are revealed. Let’s learn facts About Addiction below!

Throughout these addiction treatment blogs, we’ll drill into the subject in the long term. So, we can continuously explore the numerous aspects of this nagging but manageable illness in small pieces.

This morning, let’s get into its business by examining ten shocking facts regarding addiction.

There’s a lot of stigma and misinformation surrounding addiction disorders, treatment, and recovery. However, don’t let social judgments stand on the path to helping your child get the treatment that he or she requires and is entitled to. Here are 16 facts you should learn to be more prepared to aid your child.

Here are 16 more facts regarding alcohol and drugs you might not know about:

  1. 13. is the typical age at which children play with drugs.
  2. The most widely consumed drug and the third most frequently used cause of death in the United States.
  3. Fifty percent of suicides and more than 50 percent of violent crimes result from alcohol or drugs.
  4. The majority of accidents involving traffic involve alcohol or other drugs.
  5. 80percent of domestic violence incidents are linked to alcohol or other drugs.
  6. About 60% of poor performance at work can be attributed to drug use or alcohol.
  7. 34 out of 35 alcohol addicts have not received treatment.
  8. Twenty-eight percent of college dropouts use alcohol.
  9. Tranquilizers, pain killers, and stimulants are the most frequently abused prescription medications.
  10. Marijuana, cocaine, Hallucinogens, and marijuana are some of the most commonly used illicit drugs.
  11. More than 600 billion dollars annually is lost because of addiction to drugs.

It’s not just numbers. It’s lives lost and lives destroyed.

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Other Important Facts About Addiction

Addiction Fact 1: Addiction Can Change the Structure of Your brain

Consistent use of addiction-inducing substances has been found to alter the ways your brain is organized. Over time, the reward system and the brain area that controls impulse control and willpower become affected. Most addictive substances trigger an increase in dopamine, among the brain’s”feel-good” chemicals, every moment the product is consumed. But the effect that the substance has on dopamine diminishes each time, leading to an increased desire to take more of the drug. The reward system ceases to work properly, and the user will feel bored or apathetic. Furthermore, the brain parts that control self-control are prone to wear out as the drug is introduced into the brain, making it difficult for those already addicted to get off.

Addiction Fact 2: Many Species of Animals Seek Out Intoxicating Substances

Humans aren’t the only ones seeking out drugs that alter the mind. Different species actively look for substances that induce a high. Animals use fermented, rotting fruit as a type of alcohol, while other species look for natural hallucinogenic plants and animals to consume to experience the effects they create. In all forms, from monkeys and butterflies to domesticated cats and dogs, numerous animals try for a way to get drunk at some point or other.

Addiction Fact 3: Several Genes Play a Role in Addiction

One of the most important substance abuse facts people often make mistakes with is the notion of the ” addiction gene.” Contrary to what many people think, no one gene can determine if a person will or won’t become dependent on a substance. Various genetic factors and combinations of genetic material could contribute to addiction. Many scientists think that genetics are only 50% responsible for the likelihood of becoming addicted. Environment and lifestyle elements play a significant role in the possibility of becoming dependent on an item. Stress levels, physical health, and mental and social involvement all impact a person’s likelihood of using alcohol or drugs.

Addiction Fact 4: Addiction Costs the Economy $740 Billion Annually

Addictive substances like tobacco, alcohol and prescription drugs have cost our Americans hundreds of billions. The cost of addiction is due to the rising costs of health care and the resulting damages caused by crimes involving drugs and the costs of law enforcement and prisoner incarceration, and the loss of productivity at work. The shockingly high price of addiction can cause anyone to realize the seriousness of our nation’s addiction issue.

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Addiction Fact 5: Men and Women Are Almost Equally as Likely to Have an Addiction Disorder

Biological variations between women and men don’t determine if one is more likely addicted to one substance over the other. But, the social and environmental circumstances can affect how women and men consume substances in different ways. In the past, women were in the back of the men when drinking and using drugs. In our modern world, alcohol and drug use has become commonplace for women and men and has made the prevalence of addiction to substances almost identical. In reality, some data projections indicate that women will be ahead of men in the amount of alcohol they consume over the next couple of years.

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Addiction Fact 6: Medication-Assisted Treatment Is Considered the Gold Standard for Treating Certain Addictions

Another addiction-related fact that is commonly reported involves the use of medication-assisted therapy (MAT). Many people believe that MAT is simply trading one drug for another. But that’s not the case. The most effective treatment for alcohol or opioid dependence. The drugs are FDA-approved and have higher results than other programs like detox programs that treat the addiction to opioids. A large number of these medications assist in recovery by decreasing cravings and easing the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. These drugs are commonly utilized as a means of preventing relapses. A well-designed MAT program can provide mental health or behavioral health services, and the medication is given.

Shreya is a young mind who is always in search of creativity, be it in work or living a life. She's a keen observer who loves to pen down her thoughts on anything and everything. With a factful mind, she's here sharing some with you!


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