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7 Interesting Facts About Angola

Angola deserves to be on everyone’s bucket list with the most breathtaking beauty, vibrant culture, and friendly locals. While it’s still the biggest away from the tourist trail and the capital of Luanda is dubbed “the Paris of Africa for its lively urban atmosphere.

Furthermore, it has some spectacular beaches and a myriad of historical sites. Simply put, it’s ideal for all kinds of adventurous travelers. It doesn’t matter if you’re planning to travel to or simply want to refresh your Angolan knowledge; here are the fascinating facts about Angola.

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Facts About Angola

1. Angola is the home of an appealing Impressive Waterfall.

In the center of the Angolan Malanje province in Malanje province, you’ll find Kalandula waterfall. With 105m high and 400 meters, wide Kalandula is Kalandula waterfall is the second-largest in Africa, next to Victoria Falls. Angola is also home to various stunning natural wonders, including lush green hills and desert plains. Savanna.

2. It could be the starting Location of Samba.

Brazil’s most famous samba dance is well-known worldwide; however, did you know it could originate in Angola? In Angola, their dance tradition is called semba. It is thought to have been the source of what eventually became the samba dance in Brazil.

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3. Portuguese is Angola’s official language.

Although Angola declared its independence from Portugal in 1975 because of its shaky history as a colony, the primary language of operation is Portuguese. However, many indigenous languages have survived and are recognized. Some of them include Umbundu, Kimbundu, Kikongo, and Tchokwe.

4. The Giant Sable was rediscovered here.

Thought to be long extinct, the giant sable antelope was discovered located in Angola and is a popular national iconic animal. The huge animal is famous for its huge horns as well as its large stature. To create a picture, males’ horns be as tall as five-and-a-half inches or the equivalent of 165 centimeters.

5. Angola is a Young and Stunning Country

If it’s about youngsters, Angola has a lot. In reality, 70 percent of the Angolan population is less than the age of 24. However, war-affected the ratio of youth to older. The country went through an unending civil war for 27 years, ending in 2002. It is still struggling to recover from the social-economic harm that it caused.

6. Angola is the seventh-largest country in Africa.

In the list of 54 countries in Africa, Angola comes in at seventh in terms of size. More than twice the size of France or Texas, Angola covers nearly 480,000 acres. It is the 23rd largest nation.

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7. Angolans Enjoy Their Stews

In the case of Angola’s cuisine, the majority of it is stew-based. In all honesty, is there anything more soothing than a large, hearty bowl of stew simmering all afternoon? There’s nothing. The main ingredients used in stews are chicken and pork, fish, sweet potato, and Okra. We recommend Muamba de galinha. It is an okra stew cooked with red palm oil.

Shreya is a young mind who is always in search of creativity, be it in work or living a life. She's a keen observer who loves to pen down her thoughts on anything and everything. With a factful mind, she's here sharing some with you!


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