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18 Interesting Facts About Archaebacteria!

Archaebacteria is the term used to refer to archaea when they were classified as bacteria. This classification changed after discovering that archaea differ from bacteria and eukaryotes that were thought to be the sole realms of life. Have a look at these amazing Facts About Archaebacteria!

Archaea is quite like bacteria in form and size. However, some have unusual shapes like squares and flats. Archaea are regarded as single-cell microorganisms that are classified as prokaryotes since they do not have a cell nucleus or organelles.

Although initially believed to reside in harsh environments, archaea are now discovered in marshlands, skin, and humans’ colons.

Interesting Facts About Archaebacteria

  1. Archaebacteria have been thought to have appeared around 3.5 billion years ago.
  2. It is believed that the Archaebacteria kingdom is broken down into three distinct types, which include methanogens, thermophiles, and halophiles.
  3. Methanogens are a genus of archaebacteria that produces methane gas. They can be located in environments that lack oxygen, like lakes, sediment, animal digestive tracts, and 
  4. marshes. They are used in sewage plants for breaking down the inflowing waste.
  5. Halophiles are a form of Archaebacteria found in the Dead Sea water in the Middle East and the Great Salt Lake in Utah, in which salt is present in high amounts.
  6. Thermophiles are a genus of Archaebacteria that prefers hot and acidic sulfur waters and in anaerobic environments, such as the deepest cracks in the ocean floor.
  7. The Archaebacteria can reproduce by binary fission (making an identical copy of themselves and then splitting it into two), sexual, or by conjugation (two Archaebacteria reproduce), which is sexual.
  8. Archaebacteria move using the aid of cilia, which are tiny hair-like structures, or by the aid of flagella, a tail-like whipped at one end of Archaebacteria that indicates direction. Certain Archaebacteria contain two flagella.
  9. There is a belief that Archaebacteria could play a significant role in Earth’s nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle.
  10. The archaeal membranes’ molecules differ from those of eukaryotes and bacteria. They have membranes made of glycerol-ether lipids, not Glycerol-ester-based lipids. They utilize different enzymes for the production of Phospholipids. Their tails are distinct and used to create phospholipids. Their membranes are more rigid.
  11. Certain Archaebacteria are referred to as Phototrophs (energy generated by the sun) or Lithotrophs (energy generated from inorganic compounds) as well as organography (energy generated by organic molecules).
  12. Archaebacteria comprise around 20% of ocean” microbial cells.
  13. Archaebacteria are found in geysers, oil wells in acidic waters, alkaline water, swamps, waterways, sewage, and animals’ intestinal tracts.
  14. Archaebacteria is believed to be one of the oldest forms of life. They survived the events of extinction which killed dinosaurs.
  15. Archaebacteria can be seen in hot deserts that are scorching hot and on partially frozen Arctic waters.
  16. There aren’t any harmful Archaebacteria species that are known to exist.
  17. In sewage treatment plants, there are enough archaebacteria that can commercially manufacture methane gas.
  18. Scientists are thrilled that Archaebacteria are a brand new principal kingdom of life. It is the data Archaebacteria could be able to give about the early life on Earth, which they’re most enthusiastic about.

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Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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