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10+ Fascinating Facts About Buddhism

Do you want to learn something more about Buddhism? Here are 15 fascinating facts about Buddhism that you may not know about prior to reading this!

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Facts About Buddhism

Here are some amazing facts about Buddhism for Budha devotees! Have a look!

It was created after Siddharta Gautama was able to attain Enlightenment.

Buddhism is the primary principle of Siddharta Gautama, born in the year 623 B.C. He was as a prince, but embarked on a long and arduous spiritual quest for happiness and ending suffering. Through many trials and various avenues, he finally reached enlightenment in the Bodhi tree.

Following his awakening after his awakening, he began to teach others. This is the way that the philosophy of Buddhism was born.

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Buddhists don’t believe in god.

One of the most fascinating facts regarding Buddhism. The Buddha isn’t a god to be worshipped, and there is no god to worship.

The term “Buddha” refers to a Buddha is the person who has achieved Enlightenment.

Many believe that Buddha is an actual person, and that’s an incorrect interpretation. Anyone could be a Buddha, but it’s just a name for the person who has achieved Nirvana, which is the condition of Enlightenment.

Siddharta Gautama was considered to be the Buddha who first came to prominence, and then there were several Buddhas. That’s among the reasons that different faces appear on Buddha statues are different.

Alongside Siddharta Gautama One Buddha who has become very well-known has been the Laughing Buddha, which is believed to be a Chinese monk called Ch’i-Tzu.

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There are a variety of teachings from Buddhism

At first, there was just one instruction, that by Siddharta Gautama. However, as time passed, when the practice was spread to other countries, various branches were established, and the ancient books and lessons were read in different ways.

The three main types of Buddhism comprise Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.

Buddhist monks, nuns, and Buddhists cut their hair

According to the Pali Vinaya-Pitaka, it is stipulated that hair must be shaved once it has reached the length of two fingers or once every two months.

It’s a symbolic gesture that signifies that the monk and nun are willing to make a commitment and put the past behind them. It’s also a means to discourage self-deprecation.

The ritual, however, isn’t something that needs to be performed to attain the state of Enlightenment. Actually, some sources show that Siddartha Gautama wore hair at the very least, from time to time.

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It is believed that suffering is inevitable.

Buddhism believes in the idea that life can be full of struggle In fact the Buddha was even quoted saying it is unavoidable to suffer.

But he did find an escape route eventually.. through the noble eightfold route.

There will be times when you’ll suffer in times, But as per the teachings of the Buddha, this method will lessen suffering until you attain Nirvana.

It is a part of its a wheel, Dhamma.

The Dhamma wheel is the noble eightfold path comprising the following components: Right View, Right Thinking, Right Language, Right Action Right Living, and Right Diligence. 

Concentration and Mindfulness.

This is how an effective Buddhist should behave to minimize suffering as much as possible. It will also ensure that all of the concentration is on achieving an enlightenment state.

Every person is accountable for their development.

According to the doctrines, there is no salvation, as with Jesus or Jesus in Christianity and Messiah in Judaism as an example. It is the responsibility of each person to maintain good Karma and work towards the state of Enlightenment.

Nobody else can be capable of turning you into the Buddha, and only you can accomplish this.

Meditation is a major component of the process of teaching.

The Buddha was enlightened after an extended meditation in the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya. Meditation is extremely important for every monk, and they practice regularly.

Buddhists are believers in Karma

Karma is the idea that every action will affect later in life. It’s hard to say what time, but any positive intention will be rewarded with good Karma. On the other hand, any wrong act will result in bad Karma.

It could be summarized with “What happens, comes around”.

5 surprising facts about Buddhism

  • There isn’t a holy bible to adhere to, but many significant textual sources exist.
  • Heaven and hell aren’t everlasting places as per Buddhist doctrines.
  • Buddhism is not a religion without Buddha, but he did find an avenue to be enlightened and then shared his discoveries with other people.
  • Buddha (Siddharta Gautama) has never claimed to be a god or prophet.
  • Buddhism isn’t a faith, even though the West frequently refers to it as a religion. It’s an approach to life that should not be confused with a true religion since there is no god or godhead to worship. The aim is to achieve Nirvana. Nirvana.

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General Information on Buddhism

Below are some general facts like the total number of Buddhists and countries in which Buddhism is practiced and other information about Buddhism that might be fascinating.

  • There are over 500 million Buddhists around the world
  • Buddhists don’t kill animals and they consume an entirely vegetarian diet
  • All living things are treated with the same respect.
  • Mahayana is the largest cultivated part of Buddhism and is the most prevalent in China
  • Theravada is second in the most popular branch, and it’s the most prevalent in Southeast Asia
  • Over 7 million westerners claim that they’re Buddhists
  • China has the highest number of Buddhists, with at least 244 million believers
  • In Thailand and Cambodia, more than 90 percent of their population is Buddhists
  • Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, part of the Vajrayana branch.

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Buddhist symbolism

There are many symbols associated with Buddhism. However, these are the most significant.

  • The Wheel of Dhamma – Representing the eightfold path
  • The Lotus flower is a symbol of the path to awakening
  • The symbol is “Om.”
  • The riderless horse symbolizes the renunciation

Photo: Shutterstock

Another historical Buddhist icon is the Swastika. This symbol has been sadly attributed to the Nazis. Nazis in the West. However, the roots are entirely different, and it is not a reason to be upset when you encounter the swastika symbol in Buddhist countries.

It is often used to represent the feet and footprints of Buddha in Sanskrit texts.

My thoughts on Buddhism

Personally, since I first discovered Buddha and his teachings, I have always been awed by the teachings of Mindfulness, peace, and compassion. I am convinced that if all people took the path of Buddhism, we would achieve world peace and live in peace.

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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