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25 Facts About Computer Viruses

A research project you are currently working on takes up most of your time. The deadline is just a week away. The worst thing was that a computer virus corrupted your file. Here are the most likely Facts About Computer Viruses that you should be aware about.

Want to learn more about computer viruses? Computer viruses are very similar to human viruses. Both can be destructive and dangerous, which can cause host destruction. A virus can cause a computer to stop working or malfunction. Computer viruses can cause more problems than you realize. These are the:

Facts About Computer Viruses

1 A computer worm was the first computer virus ever created.

Computer programs and the internet (originally known as ARPANET) were created for military network defense purposes. According to records, the Creeper virus was the first computer virus.

This self-replicating virus displays the words “I’m a creeper, catch me when you can”. It originated at the US military’s DEC PDP-10 in the US and quickly spread to other units. This type of behavior is known as a computer worm. Thomas Bob was not trying to create a virus but was testing codes that could be used in mobile apps starting in the 1970’s.

2 Creeper is an antivirus program that was created in the first place

The accidental creation of the first virus resulted in the programming of “Creeper”, the first antivirus ever created. The computer programmers might giggle as they tell office users to install Creeper to clean the Reaper.

3. The earliest virus can be used to prank your friends

Yes, that is correct. Rich Skrenta was 15 years old when he used codes to trick his friends. He wrote a poem called “Elk Cloner: A Program with a Personality”. He planned to display it on the game screen that he and his friends were playing. The floppy disk infected all other discs that were inserted into the computer. This virus can be transmitted to other computers.
Photo from “Pixabay”.

Elk Cloner, the creator of the virus Elk Cloner, became a successful programmer and businessman later in his career.

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4 The evolution of computer viruses is in direct opposition to human Virus

Both viruses have the same intention to infect host cells, but they are derived from different sources. The evolution of the human virus is unsure. It could be an independent particle, or a continuation from bacteria. Computer viruses are intentionally designed to kill.

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5 Computer bugs, not viruses

Many bugs are mistakenly referred to as viruses. Computer bugs can be defined as program mistakes made by programmers. There are viruses that programming errors can cause. A bug is caused by a bad or incorrectly written software code. Virus is software that has been programmed to cause software to fail.

6 The difference between computer viruses and webworms

Computer worms can be as destructive as viruses. Some viruses behave just like worms and reproduce to cause harm. Worms, however, are malware that infects other devices and is not compatible with viruses behavior.

7 The connection between Trojan and virus

Trojan is malware that disguises itself as another program. Trojan comes from the famous Trojan Horse, a Trojan horse that was used to infiltrate Troy and defeat it. Trojan, like worms and viruses, is also destructive. It displays annoying pop-ups and allows other malware to gain access. But worms and some viruses replicate but Trojan is not. Trojan can infect other devices and become a virus.

8 The ILoveYou virus is the fastest-growing virus

Email became so popular in 2000 that it was a commodity, just like social media. Back then, people enjoyed the joy of receiving and sending sweet messages via anonymous digital letters. People’s inability to access files stored by secret admirers has led to the self-replicating ILOVEYOU virus causing $10 billion damages within minutes. Even US Senators have fallen for the trap of opening emails with “SUBJECT : I Love You” and spreading it faster.

The ILOVEYOU virus, an altered code from the Melissa virus, also reproduces the word “I Love You.” However, the ILOVEYOU viruses overtake the host’s register key and send infected emails to all contacts on its list.

9 Mydoom virus caused the most severe damages

The Mydoom virus has caused $38.5B in damages, just a few years after the infamous ILOVEYOU viruses. Multiple attachment spams were used to spread the virus quickly. This virus spreads quickly through email attachment spams. It leaves the computer’s backdoor open, slowing down internet speeds.

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10 A computer virus is used to spy on others

Spyware is a virus that steals data from infected devices and poses a security risk. An unnamed virus was believed to have infected Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani last year. It is thought to be more violent, advanced and sophisticated than the Stuxnet virus.

11 Hackers use computer viruses to bypass manufacturer computers restrictions

Computer programmers intend to secure the backdoor operating system and prevent malicious software from getting into it. This malware, known as rootkits virus, is used by hackers to bypass restrictions for many reasons, including passwords, licenses and configuration.

12 Computer virus used in mass production

Malware bots are viruses that create bot networks, which control the internal structure of computers. Telemarketers and others who want to speed up repetitive tasks such as auto-generation of security captions, system application, data gathering, and other such tasks use bots. Although it sounds useful and productive, bots are often deemed unethical because they bypass the computer system’s security.

13 Computer virus used for mining cryptocurrencies

Pirate Bay, a torrent website, uses bot viruses to display ads that are generated from inorganic money flow. To infect users of their sites, some fraud firms install crypto jacking malware. This allows them to secretly mine cryptocurrency information.

14 Some businesses exploit virus for marketing ploy

Many companies use adware to gain a global marketing advantage. Bots can send unwanted pop-up windows and spam mails.

15 Computer Virus, used by aggressors to exact revenge and leave no trace

Viruses can be used to disrupt the normal functioning of computers by acting as small robots. These malware types can hide IP addresses and make anonymous transactions. They can also phis personal data that could be used to harass or fraud.

16 Computer virus losses and damages are too expensive

It could have reached more than $200 billion if all malware damage were added together. MyDoom and SoBig virus combined damage estimates to be $80B.

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17 Antivirus companies’ revenues exceed $30B

Statistita data shows that security software companies such as AVAST, McAfee and Kaspersky Lab generated a huge worldwide revenue of $32.1B last year. This figure is growing rapidly.

18 A virus name was discovered in an attempt to be humorous

Software developers try to make humor out of naming software that uses odd rhymes or has an irrelevant origin.

One example is the Code Red virus, which can shut down thousands of servers. One of its discoverers discovered the virus, who was a drinker of Code Red Mountain Dew.

This random name is the Code Red virus. Because it was discovered on Michelangelo’s birthday, some virus may have come from famous Renaissance artists such as Michelangelo. Melissa virus, a strange name that was discovered in Florida by a stripper who the discoverer also knew, is another.

#19 Hardware

Viruses are malicious programs that cause unwanted activity in computer’s software. They cannot harm the computer’s tangible parts. Although hardware is technically part of the computer’s hardware, virus affects the software inside the device. It is possible that the virus has affected the operating system, causing CPU to stop working or slow down. It cannot be physically scratched.

20 Computer virus is just one type of malware

There are three types of malware: Trojan, virus and worm. Although viruses can do the same things as worms, they can also infect other devices.

21 Viral behavior varies

These viruses include the boot sector virus, browser hijacker virus that causes browser settings to be hacked and direct action virus that activates when computers are turned on.

22 Computer virus is the result of a combination of genius and cleverness

Malwares such as virus don’t just appear out of nowhere. These malwares are not created randomly by dumb programmers whose sole purpose is to make the lives of device owners miserable.

Shocked? Computer viruses are a series of code combinations designed to infect smartphones and computers. They offer paid services or antivirus software to repair malfunctioning devices that were infected intentionally. One may not need a four-year-degree-diploma to create such malware but anyone with logical thinking, strategic capabilities (more like conning skills), and self-learning abilities.

This is similar to stealing bread from bakers and selling it as cookies.

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23 Monopoly to Multi-Billion Business Anti-Virus Software

As small-time computer virus scammers, conspiracy theories abound that large-scale Software companies are involved in this scheme. To create viruses to ensure that there is an endless supply of antivirus software.

As theorized by members of various online forums, legitimate software companies are making a lot of money from smartphones and computers’ mandate to protect and cure existing viruses.

24 Virus protection & removal

There are many ways you can protect yourself from viruses. Install the latest antivirus software, perform regular disc cleanups and virus scans, and delete temporary files. You should be cautious about external files, USB storage devices and any other hardware that could contain malware. Be cautious when you visit websites that may contain viruses. Accept messages and invites from unreliable sources and do not accept them.

25 Viruses are possible to be created using any type of software

Computer viruses can be created without the need for a low-level programming language. Some viruses can be coded using the fourth-generation languages Visual Basic and Perl. It will surprise you to learn that clever hackers used Excel Office software for manipulating confidential computer document files.

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