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100+ Best Unbelievable Facts About Darkness

Darkness is when there is no natural or artificial light around. In reality, there is always some light in the open air; however, full or slight brightness is always present. Did you know that darkness 9-point Bortle scale always estimates darkness? Below we have listed some cool facts about darkness.

You can create darkness by blocking the light source, whether it is the sun or some source of light that makes a shadow. The sun is blocked by the earth during the night and casts a shadow on one side of the world. Did you know that heat radiation travel even in the dark?

In Greek Mythology, Darkness is connected with destructive and evil things. Many people are afraid in the dark, especially little kids.

Light helps us to see things, and blindness is the most severe visual impairment. It reduces people’s ability to perform everyday tasks. Have a look at the fun facts about darkness associated with blindness that you should know.

Spine Chill Facts about Darkness

Facts About Darkness
  1. In terms of physics, any object turns dark when it absorbs photons; protons cause it to appear dim compared to other things.
  2. Matte black paint absorbs many protons; that is why it does not reflect much visible light and appears so dark; on the other hand, white color doesn’t absorb and reflects lots of light and appears bright.
  3. Some objects may appear dark, but they may be bright at a frequency that the human eye cannot perceive in some instances.
  4. Exposure to alternating night and day has caused many evolutionary changes.
  5. In the darkness, there are no light sources, making things hard to see.
  6. When a vertebrate enters a dark room, its pupils dilate (like a camera adjusting its focus) and allow light to enter the eye and improve vision.
  7. Also, the light-detecting cells in the human eye regenerate more rhodopsin when adapting to darkness.
  8. People may think that darkness is against a white background. It is not. It is always whiteness is against a dark background.
  9. One scientific measure of darkness is the Dark-Sky Bortle Scale that indicates stars’ brightness and the observability of celestial objects at that location.
  10. It is light dispelling darkness, and darkness in a heavenly body is considered a black hole.
  11. Darkness is considered natural for the universe, while brightness is natural for Existence, but existence includes blackness is the irony!

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Best Facts About Darkness and Shadow 

Facts About Darkness
  1. A shadow is made when an object blocks the light rays. In winters, shadows are a little longer because of the angle of light.
  2. Longer shadows can be formed by making light falls at an angle.
  3. Some animals awake at night as they are nocturnal. They can see clearly in the dark. But human eyes aren’t designed to see well at night.
  4. Black or dark objects absorb light and heat. White or light objects reflect it. During the summer, you’ll stay more relaxed if you wear light clothing.
  5. Some objects, such as glass, are transparent. Light can shine through them. 
  6. Light cannot shine through opaque objects, and you can’t see through them. Unclear things, including a desk, bath towel, or blanket, are solid.

Darkness Facts For Kids

1. The photosynthesis process isn’t performed by plants in darkness. The plants use photosynthesis to create food for themselves with carbon dioxide and water.

2. Plants do not stop breathing in the dark , they continue to breathe continuously. It is a process by which the body is able to break down glucose and create energy for plants by using oxygen.

3. Most seeds develop well in the darkness.

4. Plants such as cacti and succulents have stomata that open in the darkness to draw in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

5. Heterotroph(Non-Photosynthesizing) plants can grow in complete darkness. They do not require photosynthesis because they don’t create their own food.

6. The darkness of the environment plays a major effect on Chloroplast distribution in leaf shape, growth and patterns of plants.

7. Calvin Cycle in plants takes place in the darkness.

8. Nocturnal animals are able to be seen in darkness, and they’re more active in the darkness. Bats, owls, and foxes are examples of nocturnal animals.

9. Zooplanktons feed during the night close to the surface of waters. Jellyfish is one example of a Zooplankton.

10. Amphibians, like Frogs and Salamanders are luminous in the dark.

11. Darkness does not exist against the background of white. Instead whiteness is against the dark background.

12. All things that appear dark are often not. A few objects that appear dark appear brighter in a way that the human eye cannot discern.

13. There are cells that detect light in the human eye, called Rhodopsin. They replenish themselves when they adapt to darkness.

14. Surfaces and dark objects absorb heat. Because of this, it’s recommended not to wear clothing with dark colors in summer.

15. Children and a lot of people are afraid of darkness. They tend not to worry about the dark , but there are dangers that could lurk in the darkness.

16. The fear of dark is known as Nyctophobia and it can be overcome with various therapies.

17. Darkness appears like black.

18. Darkness isn’t something that happens physically.

19. We are able to see in the dark due to rod cells that make up the retina within the eye.

20. Blind people can see the darkness everywhere they look.

21. Light is unable to penetrate the depths of 1000m beneath the oceans. This is why it’s extremely dark in deep oceans.

22. Heolstor Genip, Heolstor and sceadu were all used instead of darkness in the old English.

23. It can be extremely difficult to see clearly in darkness. However, there is always some lighting. This is why you can see through the darkness in the course of time.

24. Vantablack is among the most dark materials that has been discovered up to now. It can absorb visible light as high as 99.65 percent. It was developed in the United Kingdom, Surrey Nanosystem created the Vantablack.

25. If you mix three primary colors they’ll absorb visible light. Then, black will result.

26. Mixing three colors will also produce black color since secondary colours absorb all visible light.

27. When vertebrates are in an area that is dark the pupil expands which allows more light be absorbed by the eye. This improves the night vision of vertebrates, and this is the reason they see in darkness.

28. According to the laws of physics the object appears darker when it absorbs light. Absorption of photons causes it appear dim when compared with other objects.

29. The paints which are Matte black do not reflect much light. Therefore, they appear dark. However White paints reflect light. They appear bright.

30. The darkest of shades is a way to disguise things.

31. The use of darkness can create an atmosphere of suspense or mystery.

32. In the world of literature, dark is often used as a metaphor despair or evil.

33. The scientific side of dark is known as a Blackhole. They are the only place in space in which the gravitational force has become so intense that light can’t escape. Scientists aren’t sure the details of black holes, however, they think they could suck into everything around them, including stars.

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Scientific Facts About Darkness

1. The 2015 study comparing rates of depression among employees from Sweden(in the Arctic Circle where daylight is not a common occurrence) and the tropical Brazil found that Arctic employees were more likely to develop depression and were more likely to believe that they didn’t get enough sleep.

2. An examination of Alaskan nurses showed that they committed nearly twice as many mistakes with drugs during the winter months when compared to autumn.

3. According to the laws of physics, the object that absorbs light particles is considered to be dark. The absorption of photons causes an object to appear like a dim object when compared with other objects.

4. Additionally the human eye’s sensitive to light cells produce more rhodopsin as they are making adjustments to dark.

5. Certain amphibians, such as salamanders and frogs glow in the dark.

6. The Calvin cycle of plants takes place in the darkness.

7. People who are completely blind can’t see anything other than darkness.

8. Since surfaces and dark materials are able to absorb heat and therefore it’s recommended not to wear dark clothes in the summer.

9. The use of dark colors can provide a sense of suspense or mystery.

10. It is possible to conceal things using darkness.

Unknown Darkness Facts

11. Darkness isn’t an actual physical phenomenon.

12. The darkness of the night has a significant influence upon the spread of chloroplasts as well as leaf morphology and the patterns of plant growth.

13. The darkest thing that appears may not be always so. Some dark objects are brighter with frequencies that our eyes is unable to detect.

14. The exposure to the alternating days and night has led to various evolutionary changes.

15. In older English the terms heolstor and sceadu, as well as heo and genip were all used to replace darkness.

16. Heterotrophic (Non-Photosynthesizing) plants are able to grow in total darkness. They don’t require photosynthesis as they don’t make themselves food.

17. If you mix three basic shades, they absorb the light spectrum and produce dark shades.

18. In the field of architecture, the term “sick construction syndrome” is employed to describe buildings that cause their inhabitants to be sick, primarily because they’re too dark.

19. In literature, the word “dark” often symbolizes sorrow or sadness.

20. It can be quite difficult to see in darkness. But, there is almost always some illumination. Therefore, you will eventually be able to see even in darkness.

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21. Under the oceans there is no light that can be seen for more than 1,000 meters. This is why it’s so dark and dark beneath the depths of the ocean.

22. A lot of people, particularly youngsters, are scared of darkness. They tend to not be concerned about the dark however, they are more concerned about the potential dangers lurking in the darkness.

23. Black matte absorbs many protons. This is why it doesn’t reflect much light and appears to be dark. On the other hand white paint does not absorb protons, and it reflects lots of visible light. Therefore, the paint appears to be bright.

25. Because the secondary hues absorb any visible light The combination of three primary hues can also produce darkness.

26. The months of January and February are among the most challenging seasons for those who comprise 6 percent of Americans suffering from the seasonal mood disorder (SAD) The symptoms include poor focus, insomnia, the sleeping feeling of inadequacy and weight gain.

27. A majority of seed germinate in darkness.

28. The animals that sleep at night have the capability to see in darkness and are more active during nighttime. The owl, bat as well as fox, are all examples of creatures that are nocturnal.

29. The Dark-Sky Bortle Scale is a scientific measure of darkness which is used to measure the brilliance of stars as well as the apparent appearance of celestial objects in an exact area.

30. In darkness there is no photosynthesis. Water and carbon dioxide are the main ingredients used by plants in photosynthesis to make their own nutrition.

Creepy Facts About Darkness

31. The plants continue to breathe throughout the day even in the darkness. It is through respiration the plant’s metabolism of glucose into energy with oxygen.

32. Cacti as well as other succulents grow their stomata in order to take in carbon dioxide at evening for photosynthesis.

33. Furthermore, research has discovered that students who sat in dark areas of the classroom had a lower score on tests in comparison to students who were seated close to the window. In 2013, a study found that dim lighting increase the risk of committing fraud and other unethical conduct.

34. Based on research conducted by scientists that dark can have various impacts on our body and the brain, for example, increasing our vulnerability to cheat and lie or make mistakes in our work, or even see objects that aren’t usually apparent.

35. The fear of dark is known as nyctophobia and can be addressed by various therapy.

36. A Blackhole symbolizes the scientific side of darkness. They are the regions in space in which gravity is so strong that light cannot escape. While scientists don’t have a lot of knowledge regarding black holes, scientists are convinced that they could devour everything around them even stars.

37. Vantablack is among the darkest materials known. It absorbs about 99.65 percent visible light. Surrey Nanosystem in the United Kingdom created the Vantablack.

38. Because of the rod cells present within the retina, eye are able to see in darkness.

39. In the dark of a space the pupils of its eyes expand (similar as how cameras adjust their focus) and allow more light to reach the eyes and increasing eyesight.

40. Zooplanktons feed on the surface of the water bodies in the night. An excellent example of a zooplankton could be jellyfish.

Facts About Light and Darkness Connected with Blindness

Facts About Darkness
  1. Did you know? More than 2,850 lakhs people have visually impaired worldwide.
  2. Around 90% of the world’s visually impaired people are from developing countries.
  3. A child’s visual system develops in the womb, but it takes two years to form correctly. Issues of blindness can develop at any stage of life.
  4. Law has defined some Legal blindness levels for impairment to limit allowed activities.
  5.  A person falls in legal blindness criteria when there is a reduction of vision to 10% of normal.
  6. About 10-15% of people can’t see anything because of complete vision loss.
  7. Blind people are just like us; they can also experience vivid dreams while sleeping. 
  8. 70% of blind people experience a rare problem like a non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder. It is a condition when a person’s biological clock is out of alignment with conventional sleep schedules. 
  9. 80% of blindness can be cured or prevented, provided we notice symptoms at an early stage. People should take eye examinations at regular intervals. 

Wrapping Up

I hope you like our best facts about darkness. The facts have been curated after a deep analysis on the web and various forums. If you think that we miss any amazing facts, please let us know in the comment section below and bookmark BestFactsAbout for some amazing information. 

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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