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10 Facts About Flora – The Goddess of Flowering Plants

Are you a mythology junkie? Have you heard of Flora the goddess of Flowering Plants? If you’re looking for these types of subjects, this post is for you! Keep reading to discover some facts about Flora, the Roman Goddess!

1. She’s the goddess of gardens and flowers.

Flora is regarded as the goddess of gardens and flowers and represents the perpetual renewal of the vegetation in spring. It is the power of nature that allows fields, flowers and cereals thrive … elements like honey or seeds from various species of vegetables are regarded as gifts the goddess has bestowed to humans.

It was believed that the Roman goddess Flora had her wrath over spring, and was the sole controller of the blooming plants. A vital task, and without which bees would accomplish nothing.

The representation of this goddess was influenced by Greek art. She typically appears as an innocent woman in the form of a cloak and tunic and adorned with flowers on both her hands and head.

2. She’s not among the most powerful Goddesses

According to Roman mythology Flora was the goddess associated with the garden, flowers and the spring time that was the time of year the time when she was given more importance. Although Flora is considered a god she’s not among the most revered and important Goddesses in Ancient Rome.

3. She is from Greek Mythology

It is, however, one of the most revered gods in the ancient city of Rome along with the Italian peninsula It was also was identified through Ovid to the Greek mythological nymph Chloris and her mythology.

It is believed that when the Nymph Chloris was wandering about the countryside on a Spring day noticed by the god of the wind, Cefiro who instantly fell in the love of her beauty. Cefiro, who is completely over the beauty of the goddess decides to take her away, and to prove his act He decides to get married her.

After the wedding, and in recompense for her kindness and love, Cefiro gives Chloris the flower kingdom in the fields and gardens and also an area of garden where it will always be in spring.

This is how it is believed that the Roman goddess Flora could also be connected to her birth. Ares who, despite being typically referred to by the name of the god of Zeus and Hera later, accounts put its roots in the flower that Flora offered Hera in order to have a child without male involvement, in this instance, from the husband Zeus.

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The goddess of flowers “Mother of flowers, come, you must be celebrated with games and rejoicing.” This is the way that poem Ovid calls the god goddess Flora on the day that the celebrations begin. In order to take benefit of the goddess’s generosity The poet questions her what she is like, and among many other questions, she responds:

“I have a perpetual spring. The year is always happy with a smile, the Trees always go their mark, the Earth always has grasslands. I have a lush garden in the fields that form my dowry.

The winds are awed by it, and an aquifer of crystal-clear water that flows through it. My husband adorned the garden with beautiful flowers and told my wife “You, goddess, have the sovereignty of the flowers.” There were many times that I wanted to calculate the number of colors, but I was unable to as the total amount was way over the balance of the account.

Do you think my authority is only limited to my tender crowns? My divine power can affect the fields of agriculture as well. If the crop plants set the flowers properly it will result in an abundance of time; if the vine’s flower is set well and arranged, then there will be Wine and if the blossoms on the oak tree are were set properly, the year is very fertile.

Honey, my present to you, and I summon Insects which make honey for violets, laburnum and whitening thyme “.

“Mother of flowers, come, you have to be celebrated with games and rejoicing.”

4. Her own party

It is believed that the Sabine and Roman peoples used to enjoy the celebrations in her honour during April in these celebrations. Processions as well as the sacrifice of some animals, such as sheep, were common at the shrine dedicated to her at the Quirinal Hill.

Following a period of poor harvests, which can be put in 3rd century BC the cult of her was modified slightly, and when a temple dedicated to the goddess was dedicated in Rome, the city. Rome it was dedicated on April 28, in her honour. The festival’s own events began on April 28th and would continue for several weeks to the close of May. On the celebrations all was covered in flowers, including homes and animals.

5. She is a part of a game festival

Floralia or the Flower Games Floralia (also known as Floral Games is a festival dedicated to The goddess Flora and symbolized the beginning of a cycle. The Floral Games were first celebrated during Ancient Rome. The festival is celebrated annually from 173 BC. The celebrations are held between April 28 and May 3.

In the present in Rome The Floral Games are celebrated with literary contests that promote and spread the use of a language. prose and verse are rewarded.

The Floral Games are also held in other cities , such as Barcelona, Valencia, San Miguel de Tucuman in Argentina and Chile.

The Floral Games of Barcelona and Valencia originate from the games that were held in the Academy des Jeux floraux in Toulouse-France, from 1323 until 1484. In the following years, the Floral Games of Barcelona and Valencia inspired what would later become known as the International Floral Games, from 1909.

6. The art is dedicated to her

The Gardens of Versailles, the French artist Jean-Baptiste Tuby, sculpted -among other works- the sculpture dedicating the Goddess Flora wearing a crown of flowers in a fountain that was situated at the crossroads of many groves.

Temple of the Quirinal located in Rome is dedicated to Flora. She was supported by a flamen, the priest who was in charge of the ritual. In the offerings for the god goddess Flora and honey were honey flowers as well as seeds and milk, as well as flower honeywere offered in order to ask her protection for her crop.

7. Word “flower”

The term “flower” gets its origins from goddess of Roman mythology called ‘Flora’. the goddess of the spring, plants, and everything that thrived in the natural world (and consequently) were among the gods who were in charge of fertility.

8. About flowers

Flowers are full of different volatile substances highly aromatic, which according to the day’s time or the environmental conditions (especially the humidity and temperature) are released, resulting in an distinctive scent.

9. Flowers for the deceased

The main reason behind the custom of offering flowers to the grave was conceived was to prevent the disease that bodies released, because in the past it was commonplace to observe the body of a person who died for a few days (with the aim of ensuring that the person actually had passed away).

10. Youth

The term flower could also describe the condition of health, youth and the the freshness of one’s life due to the attractive appearance of the goddess. This is why expressions like “He is in the prime of life” or “He died in the prime of life” are frequently used to refer to the state of a person’s life.

It is also connected to purity of people and, in a direct way, their virginity, which is why the name “deflowering.”


It isn’t it interesting to know more about the history of those earlier than us? What were their stories and the reasons we do things in the way we do or the reason we do certain things that we perform in our daily lives? That’s exactly what we get when we study mythology, like this article does. These myths are all extremely enjoyable to learn and are great facts to have in general terms! We hope you enjoy this and that it gets you more intrigued by mythology!

Ru is an entertainment nerd who likes to spill the beans about what's happening in the entertainment industry. She comes up with well-researched articles so that you can "Netflix and Chill." Come join her as she has a lot to tell her readers.


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