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22 Most Amazing Facts About Human Body That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

There are many amazing facts about the human body that you might not know. You might be surprised to find out just how many vital organs there are in the average human body. You might even be surprised by some of the functions of your body as well. By discovering these truths, you’ll get an inside view of your own body and its workings.

Here are ten amazing facts about the human body that you might not know.

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Facts About Human Body

1. Your skin is your largest organ and the most sensitive. Your skin is made up of two layers; the outer layer called the epidermis and the inner layer called the dermis. The epidermis is dead tissue covering every surface of your body except your palms and soles. The dermis contains blood vessels, sweat glands, hair follicles, nerves, and sebaceous glands that make oily substances called sebum (sebum can be found under your arms). The outer layer of skin helps protect you from bacteria and viruses. In contrast, the inner layer helps regulate body temperature and moisture levels. It protects against foreign bodies such as dust particles or bits of food or insects entering your mouth or nose.

2. Your brain weighs about 3 pounds (1 kg). Your brain is only about three pounds (1 kg) in total weight but has more than 100 billion neurons, making it one of the most complex parts of your body. It’s also responsible for mental things such as memory, learning ability, emotions and thought processes.

3. Your heart beats approximately 70 times per minute on average (some people have hearts that beat faster than others). Each time a heart beats, it pumps blood to all parts of your body, with each heartbeat lasting approximately one to two seconds when resting (only when sleeping do hearts beat less frequently). One pound in weight can pump up to around six gallons of blood per minute, so your heart can pump over 6,000 gallons of blood through your body each day.

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4. Your lungs are responsible for breathing. The two main functions of the lungs are to allow oxygen into the body and to expel carbon dioxide out of the body (which is why you exhale when you breathe). There are also small air sacs located in your lungs called alveoli, which allow oxygen into the bloodstream and remove carbon dioxide from the bloodstream.

5. You have about 100 million sweat glands on your skin that help regulate body temperature and keep you cool or warm depending on how much heat is generated by exercise or stress (sweating is a way for your body to get rid of excess heat). Sweat glands are part of a system called thermoregulation, which helps regulate the temperature within the body by sweating in response to hot temperatures or shivering when cold temperatures exist.

6. You have about 20 bones in total but only 7 major ones (the other 13 bones support them). This makes it seem like humans have very few bones, but they have quite a lot as they’re fairly sturdy. They also help with balance and movement, so they’re so important.

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7. Your blood is blue because it is rich in oxygen-carrying haemoglobin (a protein that binds to oxygen). Red blood cells are smaller and lighter than white blood cells, which gives them a higher capacity for carrying oxygen. This allows red blood cells to carry more oxygen than white blood cells and gives humans the ability to be more active for longer periods than other animals because we can take in more oxygen per unit of body weight (and more quickly when exercising).

8. The average human body contains about 6 pounds of water at any time (some people have a lot more or less, depending on how much they weigh). The water inside your body is called total body water, which means that it’s all the water that’s found throughout your entire body, excluding the air that you breathe in and out (that is still considered part of your total body water). Water makes up over 60% of your total mass, making it an important part of what makes you (even though it doesn’t look like it due to its colour).

9. The average human body contains about 60 billion cells (this isn’t a precise number, though – there are more or less depending on how many you weigh). This means that every human has an average of roughly 3 million cells. There are also cells within your body that can be destroyed and need replacement. So, there are about 7.5 billion cells within you at any one time (again, this is not a precise number).

10. You have around 60 muscles in total but only six major ones (the other 12 serve to support them). This makes it seem like humans have very few muscles, but they have quite a lot as they’re fairly sturdy. They also help with balance and movement, so they’re so important.

11. Your heart is the largest muscle in your body by far, yet it weighs only about 1/10 of an ounce (it would take about 300 of these to weigh the same as a pea) and doesn’t even have to work hard as it does most of its work when you’re asleep! It beats over 1,000 times per minute on average. It pumps blood throughout your entire body at around 4 gallons per minute (this includes both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood which are the two types of blood found within the circulatory system). It’s amazing how much our bodies do for us!

12. Your muscles are around 75% water, 25% protein and 5% glycogen. You need a lot of water to keep your muscles working (and they also need water to help them recover).

13. The human body is an amazing thing! We can do so much, and it can do so much for us in return. It’s incredible how our bodies work and change over time as we grow from children to adults. This is why it’s important to keep up with the health advice that’s out there and learn about what our bodies are capable of!

14. Humans have a lifespan of around 80 years on average – this means that most people have a lifespan that lasts around 70 years or less (this is quite rare, though). This is because humans have an average life expectancy of just over 70 years which means that most people live between 65-80 years old. This is quite a long time for humans to be alive on this planet, yet it only seems like yesterday when we were toddlers!

15. The average human height is around 5’4″. Yet, height varies depending on several factors such as genetics and environment (for example, taller people tend to live in places that are warmer as well).

16. Humans have about 50 bones in total – this is because our bones are actually made up of cartilage, a type of tissue that can be found within the body. This means that there are no real “true” bones within the human body but rather just cartilage.

17. Humans have about 20 pairs of ribs on average – this means that humans have more ribs than dogs! This is because humans have a lot more ribs than other animals due to their upright posture and their breathing, which requires muscles to work harder.

18. There are approximately 200 million nerve endings throughout your entire body (including every one of your senses). You can feel all sorts of things through these nerves, and they help you with everything from movement to feeling pain or the cold! They’re incredibly important for our everyday lives!

19. Humans have about 40 muscles in total – this is because our muscles are made up of many different types of muscle fibres that work together to control the movement of our bodies.

20. Humans have about 10,000 bones in total – this means that humans are more likely to have more bones than birds since humans are so much larger than birds!

21. Humans can see with around 360° vision – meaning that we can see almost everything around us! This is a very important sense for humans as it allows us to be aware of what’s happening and also helps us avoid danger!

22. The average human weighs between 8lbs and 13lbs depending on the age and size of the person (this varies slightly between men and women). This means that we don’t weigh the same as each other, but we all weigh more than babies do! Weighing less than 8lbs is quite rare since babies usually weigh around 10-12lbs (and they’re significantly smaller than adult humans!).

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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