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20 Fun Facts About Hydrogen

The chemical element Hydrogen comes with the symbol H for element and the atomic number 1. It is essential to all life and abundant throughout the Universe, making it an element you need to be aware of. These are the basics about the very first element of the periodic table, hydrogen.

Let’s get started with some amazing Facts About Hydrogen below!

Atomic Number 1

Hydrogen is the first element of the periodic table. It is the first element in the periodic table and has the atomic number of one or one proton for every hydrogen atom. The name for this element comes from the Greek word hydro, meaning “water,” in addition to the word genes for “forming,” since hydrogen bonds with oxygen to create the water (H 2O). However, Robert Boyle produced hydrogen gas in 1671 as part of an experiment with acid and iron. Hydrogen was not identified in 1766 as an element when Henry Cavendish.

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The Atomic Weight is 1.00794

Hydrogen is the most lightweight element. It’s so light that the pure element doesn’t have to be bound by gravity. Thus, there’s less hydrogen gas remaining within the air. Like Jupiter, the massive planets are made up of primary hydrogen, similar to the Sun and the stars. Although hydrogen bonds itself and forms the chemical formula H 2 as an element in its right, it’s still much lighter than the helium atom since most hydrogen atoms do not have neutrons. The two hydrogen atoms (1.008 atomic mass units per atom) are only half of Helium in one atom (atomic mass 4.003).

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Facts About Hydrogen

  1. Hydrogen can be described as the world’s most prolific element. The majority of elements and 75% of the elemental mass in the Universe are hydrogens, typically in the form of plasma or in the atomic phase. While hydrogen is the second highest-yielding element found in the human physique by the number of atoms in this element, it’s third in mass, following carbon and oxygen, since hydrogen is extremely light. Hydrogen is a pure substance on Earth as the diatomic gas, the H 2. However, it’s scarce in the atmosphere of Earth because it’s light enough to escape gravity and spill into space. The element is abundant at the surface of the Earth and is in the form of hydrocarbons and water making it the third-most abundant element.
  2. There are three naturally occurring hydrogen isotopes, namely protium deuterium and tritium. The most popular isotope of hydrogen is called protium. This is because it contains one proton, zero neutrons, and one electron. It is the sole element to contain atoms that do not have neutrons! Deuterium contains one proton, one neutron, and one electron. While this isotope weighs more than protium, it has a lower density and is nonradioactive. However, the tritium does emit radiation. Tritium is an isotope with one proton, two neutrons, and one electron.
  3. Hydrogen gas is highly flammable. It is employed as fuel for spacecraft’s main engine and was involved in the famous explosion that destroyed the Hindenburg airship. Although many people believe oxygen to be flammable, it isn’t flammable.
  4. It’s an oxidizer. This is why hydrogen can be explosive in the air or combination with oxygen.
  5. Hydrogen compounds are commonly referred to as hydroxides.
  6. Hydrogen is produced through the reaction of metals with acid (e.g., zinc reacting with Hydrochloric Acid).
  7. Physically, hydrogen at room temperature and pressure is a colorless, smell-less gas. The liquid and gas are not metals. However, once hydrogen has been compressed to solid form, the element becomes one of the alkali metals. The solid crystalline metal hydrogen is the tiniest of all solid crystalline.
  8. Hydrogen is used for a variety of purposes. However, most hydrogen is used to process fossil fuels and manufacture ammonia. It is becoming more important as an alternative fuel that can produce energy via combustion, much like what is produced by combustion engines made of fossil fuels. Hydrogen is also utilized in fuel cells that combine with oxygen and hydrogen to create electricity and water.
  9. In the compound, hydrogen can have the form of a positive charge (H -) or a positive charge (H +).
  10. Hydrogen is the sole atom, and the Schrodinger equation provides an exact solution.

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Facts about Hydrogen that you need to be aware of!

  1. Hydrogen was first recognized for its elemental nature in 1766 by English physicist and chemical engineer Henry Cavendish. The element was first named Hydrogen by French chemical scientist Antoine Lavoisier.
  2. The word hydrogen is derived from Greek terms, Hydro meaning ‘water’ and gene, which means “formation.”
  3. Hydrogen is an important component of our planet. It makes up 75 percent of the mass in the Universe. It is located in the Sun and all-stars. It is thought to have been elements created in the Big Bang, the start of the Universe we see today. It is also the energy source for all-stars and even the energy we receive from the Sun.
  4. Hydrogen is the most basic and the lightest element in the periodic table of elements. It bonds it or to another element to create the outer layer. It is a positive and negative ion. Positive Ions. This is why it is represented by the symbol H2. Its mass atomic weight is 1.00797, making it the tiniest element.
  5. Hydrogen is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It is also undetectable by our senses.
  6. Hydrogen is highly flammable; however, it cannot ignite until an oxygenized (air) or ignition source is present.
  7. Hydrogen fuel cells make electricity. They are extremely efficient. However, they are expensive to build. Small fuel cells can be used to power vehicles. Hydrogen power is green as it decreases the dependence on fossil-based fuels, and the by-product is water. However, producing hydrogen for fuel isn’t environmentally friendly or inexpensive!
  8. Hydrogen is the primary ingredient of Jupiter and the other gas giant planets.
  9. The first gas balloon launch in Paris in 1783 was powered by hydrogen.
Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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