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19 Amazing Facts About Korean Language

When someone speaks of Korea when they mention Korea, the images that instantly come to thoughts might be the famous Kim Jong-un from North Korea’ or ‘Gangnam Style” by Psy that drove you insane with its catchy beats and unusual dance moves. Here are some cool acts About Korean Language!

Korea is always in the spotlight, everything from its food to K-pop, K-dramas, and even its… The language! Here, we’ll be discussing some amazing facts about the Korean Language.

Facts About Korean Language

1. Who knows Korean? What is Korean? Wait…

There are over 80 million people across the globe, making it the 13th most spoken language. This is also the primary Korean language in Korea in both North and South Korea. In contrast, it is widely spoken in the communities of ethnic Korean communities in China, Japan, the USA, and Central Asia.

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2. Alphabets! It’s a piece of cake!

Korean Alphabets comprise only 24 alphabets that consist of 14 consonants and ten vowels. It’s easy! However, there are five double consonants and 11 double vowels, which total 40 alphabets.

3. a Controversial Language

The majority of linguists consider Korean as a Language Isolate However, some linguists assert that it’s part of the Urals-Altaic, a group of languages that includes Mongolian, Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, and Manchu. However, there isn’t any conclusive evidence to support this claim. However, it is a matter of debate.


Korean is considered one of the oldest spoken languages in the world. Chinese characters Hanja were introduced to Korea in the 1st century, along with Buddhism. Korean is written using the ‘Hanja”, which was only learned by the elite. It was the language of King Sejong The Grand(the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty of the 15th century) thought that Hanja was not appropriate to write Korean, so Sejong personally invented a new script for writing that came to be called “Hangeul.. The script was created either to assist in replacing or assisting Hanja completely.

5. A Unique Co-Ordination With Your Tongue

Hangeul was developed to imitate the physical form of your teeth, tongue, and palate.

6. The traditional Korean Contrast with Modern Korean. Modern Korean

Traditional Korean is written as a row from beginning from the top and ending from right to left. In contrast, contemporary Korean is written in a Column from left to right, from top to bottom.

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7. North Koreans and South Koreans Don’t think we’re identical!

Since split Korea since the partition of Korea, there has been a steady but slow shift in the linguistics between them, along with the massive influence of the alien world on South Korea.

8. Too Much for Dialects

The language is derived from dialects spoken in regional areas in North-South and South Korea. Although they’re quite similar, they can be hard to understand. For instance, a person from Seoul may find it difficult to comprehend the Daegu dialect.

9. The Verb Will End Everything

For English natives, Korean is going to be difficult to master. Because of the word order, the verb will always appear at the end.

10. What are The Words To Know About Vocabulary?

The truth is, Korean can be a bit easy. If you can master the fundamental vocabulary, there’s a good chance that you can learn Korean effortlessly. For example, the word mul (water)+gae (dog)is mugae (water seal or dog). However, some of the most common English phrases like Motorcycle is pronounced as “Auto bike” in Korean and translated into the form”Eoto Baikeu.”

11. I’ll Accept The Loan

About 50% of Korean words originate in Chinese Loanwords, and 5percent are derived from English and other foreign languages. This is great for people who are familiar with Chinese.

12. One Counting System Doesn’t Work enough. I’ll Need Two

Yup! Korean uses two different counting methods: Sino in addition to Native. Native is used for numbers below 99, for counting things such as ages, age, or the time of the form of a clock. Sino exceeds 99 and can indicate dates, minutes, distances, and currencies.

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13. Funny Stories From Korean

Have you ever thought about buying a Swiss knife? If you’d like to buy one in Korea and want to buy it, say ‘Maekgaibeo Kal’; the word is a reference to a TV show “McGyver”  where the character frequently uses a Swiss knife and just recently made it a part of a phrase. Another version says that should you inquire about the food and say ‘Seobisseu’ as they will provide you with an extra Kimchi and Sauce in Service. They took the word “Service” literally and thought they were doing you a favor.

14. Contact Me, Oppa!

In Korea, the honorifics are an important part. If someone is older than you in terms of age or rank, you will use honorifics to describe their status or age. The most prominent honorific used to describe any individual is “op” within North Korea, which is only used for Kim’s leader.

15. Ladies, please be gentle!

Korean are subject to what is known as the smallest amount of gender-based indifference. In general, women in Korea are considered to be subordinate to males, which can impact the way of speaking of both. It is evident in the way women use softer tones to conclude a disagreement or introduce themselves as the mother or wife of somebody. For a job, for example, a male president of a business or organization is known by the name ‘Sayang,’ whereas women are referred to in the form of Yosajang .’

16. Kanjang Jang Kan Toen Jang…Kan?? ?

The most famous tongue twister in Korea is: ‘ganjang gongjang gongjangjangeun jang gongjangjangigo doenjang gongjang gongjangjangeun gang gongjangjangida [Kanjang kongjangkongjang-jang-un jangkongjang-jang-igotoenjangkongjangkongjang-jang-un kang kongjang-jang-i], is the most famous tongue twister in Korea’ to remember, Kangjang is soy sauce, Toenjang is soybean paste, and Kongjang is factory. So, twister is the factory manager for the soy sauce factory is called factory director Chang and the manager at the plant that produces soybean paste the factory manager Kang.

17. There is No ‘MY.’ It’s “OUR”

There isn’t my me’ ore in the language. Instead, they use “our” or “we” to replace them.

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18. The First Literature to Be Written in Hanguel

Before the advent of Hangeul at the end of the 15th century, literature could be written using Chinese characters. The yongbieoceonga (Yongbiochonga), ‘ from the Dragons Flying to Heaven, is the first written work in Hangeul. The songs were written by a group composed of Confucian scholars.

19. Seoul How, Why To Be So Confused Because of One Factor

Seoul is the Capital City of Korea, referred to as “The Capital” Actually!!

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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