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10 Facts About Safari Web Browser

Apple Inc. developed Safari, a web browser that allows you to open web pages and download files from the internet. It also lets you view multimedia content. Safari was the default browser on iPhones and iPods until Google Chrome in 2008. Explore amazing Facts About Safari Web Browser here!

Many of its features are very similar to Google Chrome. Many advanced features are not available in other browsers. These are the top 10 most amazing and interesting facts about Safari web browser.

  1. With the release of Mac OS X 10.3, Safari was made available for the first time. This was the first web browser that allowed tabbed browsing.
  2. Safari was the first browser to support the standard web HTML5 in 2005.
  3. Safari is available in over 30 languages.
  4. Safari also has its web engine, i.e., WebKit. Webkit is used by most web browsers, including Opera, Google Chrome, Opera, and others.
  5. Safari offers its apps for iOS and macOS.
  6. Safari was the first browser that supported HTML5 audio and video tags.
  7. Safari is the second-most used web browser worldwide. More than 40% of internet users use Safari.
  8. Safari is lighter than other web browsers.
  9. Safari is responsive compared to other web browsers.
  10. Safari is free to download from the App Store.

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What makes Safari stand out from other web browsers?

Although you may not see the differences between Google Chrome and Apple Safari at first glance, some key features make Safari browser stand out. These include the ability to format articles for easier viewing.

1. iCloud Tab Browsing.

This feature syncs all open tabs between devices with the same iCloud account. While using Safari on the iPhone/iPad, you can see a list of all tabs opened on your MacBook. This is similar to Chrome’s bookmark-sharing, but it doesn’t require you to log in.

2. Sharing.

Sharing AirDrop allows you to share a website directly with an iPad, iPhone, or Mac nearby.

3. Reader View.

Safari can recognize articles and present them in a format that removes navigation and advertisements to make them easier to read. This view is particularly useful for websites that open new windows when you scroll or become difficult to read on an iPhone or iPad due to navigation.

4. Energy-efficient.

Although iMacs can be used as desktop computers, Apple is primarily a mobile device and laptop provider. Safari is extremely efficient in energy consumption, giving you more use than Chrome, Firefox, and other popular browsers.

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What are Safari’s Deficits

Safari’s web browser is a great choice for people already rooted in the Apple ecosystem and has an iPhone or iPad. It’s not all sunshine and roses.

1. They have limited plugin support. Safari supports Extension. However, Safari plugins are not as robust as those for Chrome.

2. Exclusively for Apple. Safari can be run on Linux and was briefly supported on Windows. However, Safari is a web browser designed to run on Apple hardware. It is not compatible with Android tablets or smartphones. You should also avoid the Windows version as Apple has stopped supporting it with critical security updates.

3. No Tab Icons. Favicons are icons for websites. While browsers such as Google Chrome include these icons in tabs, Safari does not.

Safari Alternatives

Safari is the default browser on iOS and Mac. However, users can also download other browsers. Chrome, Firefox, and Opera are supported on the Mac. Opera and Vivaldi can be downloaded to iPhone and iPad users.


We hope you enjoyed our post about the Top 10 Interesting Facts about Safari App. Let us know if you have any other interesting facts about Safari.

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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