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Facts About Sports Medicine in 2022

Did you know that a large part of sports medicine focuses on injuries to the musculoskeletal system? We all know that playing sports or simply being active can result in many musculoskeletal issues.

We realize that finding the right information and figures regarding Sports Medicine can be time-consuming and exhausting, which is why we have put together this list of most important information as well as notes and statistics to make it easy to reference them and refer to anytime at any time shortly.

This area is constantly evolving, and if you find something that’s not up-to-date, don’t hesitate to inform us. If you have some statistics that we should include, please send us a note!

Also Read: Sports Facts: Interesting Facts About Sports 

Facts About Sports Medicine

  1. Sports medicine is a field that focuses on the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of accidents that result from physical activities such as exercise and sports.
    It focuses not just on athletes but on teenagers and children who engage in athletics and those who exercise for their health. Workers in physical-demanding jobs such as construction workers are as well at risk.
  2. Healthcare professionals in sports medicine have specialized training to bring back function to injured patients to be active immediately. They are experts in the prevention of injuries and illness in athletes.
    *The ultimate aim is to promote the positive facets of sports and fitness activities–physical, behavioural, emotional, and social–that improve the wellbeing and quality of life for all people, from children to the elderly and vulnerable patients with cancer to elite athletes.
  3. A specialist in sports medicine collaborates with athletes to increase their overall performance on the field by paying attention to the clinical, medical and practical aspects of training.
    *The phrase “sports medicine specialist” does not necessarily mean that the person is a physician. It could be applied to many sports where sports medicine techniques are common.
  4. By itself, it is not an area of medicine. It is more of additional training that is based on physical and medical aspects of fitness and sports after graduation from the foundational level. The non-physician practitioners who are involved in sports medicine are:
    Physical therapists are experts who aid patients recovering from injuries. Accredited athletic therapists offer rehabilitation services for athletes to assist them in recovering fitness and avoiding injury later on. Nutritionists assist with losing weight and nutrition when combined with exercises or rehabilitation.
  5. The doctors of sports medicine specialize in the treatment and prevention of impairments and diseases caused by sport or exercise.
    Although many sports medicine physicians specialize in treating athletes, the majority of them can treat anyone who’s suffered an injury due to the exercise or workout.
  6. Before beginning a two-year residency in sports medicine, most doctors in sports medicine hold board certification in private practices or emergency medicine, paediatrics and internal medicine.
    They usually get a Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in Sports Medicine from the American Board of Family Medicine after successfully completing the program.
  7. Most sports medicine specialists practice with non-operative musculoskeletal problems. Some are orthopaedic surgeons who prefer to focus their efforts on sports injury surgery.
    A sports medicine doctor might be qualified to treat various other ailments in addition to bone, muscle, or joint injuries, including:

Concussions and other head injuries
Chronic or acute diseases (such as diabetes, asthma or hypertension)
Supplements, nutrition, ergogenic aids, as well as problems with performance

  1. The field of sports psychology is one of psychology that deals with the psychological and behavioural demands of fans of sports.
    A sports psychologist can assist athletes in reducing anxiety and improving focus in a manner specific to their specific sport in the event of pressures that they experience.
  2. Sports psychologists employ a variety of techniques and techniques in psychology (such as therapy, stress management, and goal setting) to aid athletes in maintaining their balance in training or recovering from a serious injury to their sport.
    *Sports psychology could aid athletes in conquering difficulties, increasing their performance and reaching their goals. Psychologists who specialize in sports focus on the mental aspect of the sport, while coaches typically focus on the physical aspects.
  3. Sports Science Specialists are mainly concerned with clinical testing as a discipline (including physiological responses to exercise, comparative effectiveness of exercise techniques, and the impact of performance-enhancing drugs and supplements).
    *Athletes are observed and monitored by sports psychologists to develop performance-enhancing fitness and conditioning programmes. They also develop strategies for recovery to aid athletes who are disabled with recovering their fitness and resuming their activities—this aids in preventing illnesses and injuries.
  4. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) was founded in 1954 to bring together medical doctors, academic scholars and physical educators to enhance the research and knowledge of how physical activity impacts the human body.
    *ACSM is the only organization that offers a 360-degree overview of sports medicine, with 70 professions represented. There are more than 90 accredited professionals from all over the world. The American College of Sports Medicine encourages and implements basic research in the area of sports medicine and exercise science that has practical and educational applications.
  5. When most people think of sports medicine, they usually think of professional athletes. The field of sports medicine, on the contrary, is more than the above.
    *Sports medicine should be utilized by those who have an active lifestyle and participate in physical activities like diving, hiking, or playing leisure activities.
  6. Accidents during sports can occur while doing some exercise or playing sports. They are the most frequent in children. However, they can also occur to adults.
    At the risk of sustaining injuries in sports are:

The people who live an unhealthy lifestyle of sitting
People who don’t warm up before exercising
Players who engage in contact sports such as football or basketball.

  1. The numerous core elements that comprise fitness for physical health are cardiorespiratory stamina and muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, stability, flexibility, and body shape that contribute to the numerous benefits to health that exercise can bring.
    Five of these elements form the basis for the American College of Sports Medicine’s (ACSM) physical activities standards. They are to be utilized in planning and implementing a balanced exercise routine.
  2. Regular exercise is a great method to maintain your fitness levels.
    *It triggers numerous biochemical modifications in the human body’s neurological and gastrointestinal processes. They can assist athletes in doing very well when they play athletics. They also can help to prevent chronic illnesses.
  3. strength training is performing physical exercises to build strength and endurance.
    It is usually related to lifting weights. It could also be callisthenics or isometrics, and plyometrics, among other fitness methods. Strength exercise, also referred to as resistance or weight training, benefits more than the body. It offers numerous well-being and health benefits to the entire body, such as improved heart health and balanced healthy muscles and weight reduction and mental well-being.
  4. Bodybuilding and weightlifting, strength-training, Highland game, shot discus throw, put, and javelin throwing are among the sports that require strengthening exercises. The tennis, American football, boxing, track and field rowing and lacrosse, basketball pole dancing, baseball, professional wrestling, hockey and rugby union. Rugby league and soccer are just a few of the sports that incorporate the strength of training as part of a program for training.
    *Intensity-training techniques can include a load or overload on one muscle or group using external tension like weight scales, free weights or resistance bands, or the weight of your body. The muscles are forced to grow stronger and change their shape.
  5. Ballistic training, sometimes referred to by the name of power, is a type of exercise that involves throwing as well as jumping with weights to boost the power of your explosives. The purpose of the ballistic exercise is to increase the speed of an object while minimizing the deceleration time.
    *Squats and lunges overhead press, Biceps Curls dips, overhead triceps extension push-ups, as well as overhead triceps extensions, are all examples of strength workouts that can be transformed into power exercises (by performing the eccentric contraction — that is, the portion that raises the weight up against gravity rapid and powerful, while keeping a gradual, steady pace on the eccentric contraction, while slowly dropping the weight back to its starting point).
  6. power training is connected to the capacity to produce force effectively, According to research and can directly impact everyday life and athletic pursuits.
    *Power is defined as the ability to apply huge amounts of force over the shortest amount of time, covers actions like pedalling, walking, sprinting, changing directions and pushing, dragging, punching and kicking and is therefore applicable for the vast majority of sporting activities.
  7. Different injuries to sports can cause different signs and complications.
    Common sports injuries include sprains, knee injuries, strains, muscle injuries, swollen muscles, fractures, dislocations, etc.
  8. A large part of sports medicine is focused on the musculoskeletal issue.
    *The skeleton, joints, ligaments, tendons and connective tissues comprise the musculoskeletal framework. Being active and participating in a sports lifestyle can cause various musculoskeletal issues. Sports medicine deals with the resolution and prevention of these issues. More than 150 illnesses and conditions of the musculoskeletal system affect the locomotor system of people. These range from injuries that happen unexpectedly and only last a short time, like strains, fractures and strains, all the way to permanent disabilities that result in impairment in function and impairment.
  9. Around 1.71 billion people suffer from muscular-skeletal disorders across the globe.
    *Arthritis, bursitis and tendinitis are a few examples of musculoskeletal conditions. Stiffness, pressure, swelling, diminished range of motion, weakening fatigue, and reduced exercise are all common symptoms of a musculoskeletal disorder.
  10. The most commonly reported indication of a sporting injury is the sensation of pain.
    This is the body’s method to let you know that something is wrong. It varies based on the type of injury.
  11. Injuring or stretching the ligaments can result in the occurrence of an injury.
    *Ligaments are the pieces of tissue that join two bones in a joint. Sprains can occur as a result of an accident, twist or an injury on the body. Sprains can result in pain, swelling, bruises, inflammation, and pain.
  12. In the event of overstretching, tearing muscles or tendons causes an injury.
    *Tendons are dense, fibrous cords of tissue that join muscles and bone.
  13. Strains are frequently confused with strains. They are often mistaken.
    *Sprains and Strains are almost identical in symptoms, so it’s difficult to differentiate them. But, sprains typically show bruises on the area affected, while strains are marked by muscles spasms. If you don’t have these two signs, a physician may recommend an x-ray or an MRI of the area that is affected.
  14. Any injury that causes problems with what the knee joints do maybe a sporting injury.
    It can range from an overstretch up to an injury to the ligaments or muscles of the knee.
  15. Swelling is a normal response to injury. The muscles that are swollen can also be weak and painful. Sometimes, the body is too busy, and the swelling reaction is too much.
    Types of swelling:

Edema – swelling of the surrounding tissue from the joint.
Effusion is swelling in a joint, for example, a swollen knee or ankle.
Hemarthrosis is a disease in which there is swelling and blood in joints.
Acute swelling develops within the first 24 hours following injury.
Chronic – swelling that happens over a prolonged period of time. It is difficult for athletes to recognize. However, it can be extremely harmful if it is not treated.

  1. A sports injury can cause a dislocation of the bone inside your body. In the event of this, the bone is pushed from its socket. It can be painful and cause swelling and weakness.
    A dislocation happens when a bone is slipped out of the joint. For instance that the upper part portion of the bone in your upper arm is inserted into a joint in your shoulder. If it falls or pops out of the joint, you’ve got a dislocated shoulder. It is possible to dislocate nearly any joint in your body, such as your hip, knee and ankle, shoulder, or.
  2. It is the RICE technique (rest, compression, ice as well as elevation) is a well-known treatment method for sports injuries.
    This treatment technique is beneficial for minor sports injuries. To achieve the best results, you should follow the RICE method for the initial 24 to 36 hour period following the injury. It can reduce swelling and avoid further bruises and pain during the first few days after an injury from sports. The key to early treatment for most injuries is RICE. However, you may also require a painkiller or an inflammatory medication.
  3. The best way to avoid an injury in sports is to be properly warm and stretch.
    *Muscles that are warmed up tend to be more flexible. They can withstand quick movements, bends and jerks. This makes injuries less likely.
  4. Always stretch and exercise helps strengthen muscles but also tightens them and reduces their length.
    *Stretching increases endurance and reduces the likelihood of injury.
  5. The muscles that are cold are susceptible to tears and overstretching.
    *Acute muscle strains are more prevalent in colder conditions. The reason for this is that muscles are more brittle in temperatures that are lower. It is important to take the extra time to get warm under these conditions to avoid injuries.
  6. Different kinds of exercises require different postures and stances. In certain exercises, bending your knees in the correct way can prevent injuries to your hips or spine.
    Make sure you follow the correct method and understand the correct method of moving during your activity or sport to prevent injuries. Just a few classes or coaching can aid in improving your movement and performance.
  7. Shoes that aren’t properly fitted or gear could increase the chance of injury.
    If your shoes are too tight or loose or not supportive enough, your activity could cause stress to your ankles, feet, lower legs, and other joints. This pressure could lead to injury and pain. A poor choice of footwear can lead to injuries that are common in sports, such as shin splints or Achilles tendon discomfort, bunions and corns and ingrown nails. They can also cause problems with posture and lower back discomfort. The effects of these injuries could restrict or even stop your activities.
  8. The most dangerous aspect of exercising is not being able to do it.
    Accidents can occur, so don’t let the possibility of injuries put you on your sofa. They are implementing the fundamental steps that reduce the risk of injuries caused by exercise by becoming aware of potential complications earlier, dealing with minor injuries yourself and knowing when to receive assistance. Small injuries are easy to handle, while serious illnesses caused by inactivity-related lack are more challenging to treat.
  9. Make sure to cool off after your workout. It is usually done with the same stretching exercises and stretching included in the warm-up.
    The cooling down process after your exercise allows for a gradual recovery of the pre-exercise heart rate as well as blood pressure. Cooling down can be the most crucial for endurance athletes competing in a competition like marathoners since it regulates blood flow.
  10. Injuries from sports are common among children and younger adults. There are more than 3.5 million teens and children who get injured during organized physical activity every year.
    In casual or unorganized sporting events, the vast majority of accidents result from falling, hitting an obstacle, crashes and the overuse of the sport.
  11. One-third of injuries that occur in children are caused by sports.
    Children between the ages of 5 and 14 are most susceptible to cycling and sporting-related accidents. Activities that require contact and collisions have the highest accident rate.
  12. The most commonly reported injuries that children sustain during sports are strains and sprains.
    *A strain or sprain is more common in young people who are active or who are involved in sports. The growth plates located at the end of the long bone are the sites for bone development. Infants who are younger, however, are more likely to be afflicted by broken bones.
  13. Everybody will experience a sports injury. But, there are some reasons that put the person you love at a greater chance of suffering an injury.
    Factors such as age, overweight, and lack of exercise could contribute to an injury in a sport.
  14. Researchers have found that males aged 5-24 make up over half of all injuries sustained in sports instances.
    *Males are generally more active regardless of the age they’re at.
  15. The lower body is the most likely to sustain injuries (42 per cent). The upper extremities account for 30.3 per cent of all injuries. Neck and head injuries account to account for 16.4 per cent of all sports injuries.
    Strains and strains are typical, and knee injuries are also common. Neck and head injuries are typically serious and are usually caused by accidents that are not well-managed. Their incidence is not as high as strains and sprains.
  16. Due to their active lifestyle, kids are particularly in danger of injuries sustained in sports.
    Children often don’t understand what their limits are in their bodies. They can be more prone to injury often than teenagers or adults.
  17. The older you get, the more likely you will be to suffer an injury.
    *Age increases the chances that you’ll suffer from injuries from sports that persist. Recent injuries can aggravate previous injuries.
  18. People who exercise have a lower likelihood than those who don’t.
    *Even for older individuals who took part in activities that are high-impact like hiking, a thirteen-year survey of 370 fitness enthusiasts aged 50-72 showed that exercise was associated with less risk of injury as well as a lower death rate.
  19. Being overweight could put stress on joints, including your knees, hips and ankles.
    *The pressure gets increased with the intensity of exercise or sports. This increases the risk of injuries from sports.
  20. Adults and children who want to get into sports should have an examination of the body by a doctor prior to.
    The exam will determine whether or not it’s appropriate to take part in a specific sport. The majority of states require children and teens to pass an athletic physical before they can begin an entirely new sport or participate during a new season. Although the physical isn’t necessary, however, doctors strongly recommend the practice.
  21. A lot of sports injuries can cause immediate discomfort or pain. Other injuries, such as overuse injuries, are often discovered after a long-term injury. The injuries are typically identified through routine physical examinations and checkups.
    If you believe you’ve suffered an accident in sports, your doctor will likely follow the steps listed below to determine the reason. The most common are: Physical Examination, Medical History, Imaging tests like X-rays, MRI as well as CT Scans
  1. Overuse is the primary cause of injuries. Give your body time to recover and rest after exercises, especially as you’re beginning to get in shape.
  2. For injuries in sports, prompt intervention is crucial.
    Anyone experiencing constant discomfort or pain following exercise or during it is advised to seek an examination. In general, the sooner an injury that is repetitive in nature is identified more straightforward it is to manage.
  3. Around half of the hospital visits involve acute injuries like fractures, sprains or torn ligaments ruptured tendons which require immediate treatment or, in certain instances, surgery.
    The most common sports injuries that anyone can suffer even if they’re not involved in activities. It could happen with excessive strain on muscles or an accident at home.
  4. Over 90 per cent of patients suffering from sports injuries are treated with surgery.
    The Achilles tendon that has ruptured is often treated naturally by employing techniques for immobilization and prompt rehabilitation.
  5. Professional athletes might require surgery to allow them to return to their sport quicker and more accurately.
    For conditions like osteoarthritis, doctors may inject therapeutic drugs directly into the joint to alleviate pain, increase functionality, and allow muscles that support it to strengthen.
  6. Joint Surgery Has Become Gentler
    Many patients who require surgery can benefit from arthroscopy, which is a minimally surgical procedure that requires the use of tiny instruments made of pencil and a camera through tiny cuts. The arthroscopic procedure has improved dramatically, which allows surgeons to perform complex procedures that previously required open surgery. A superior replacement for the capsular, for instance, is a procedure that involves the use of tissue donated by an organ donor that can be utilized to heal an injured Rotator Cuff.
  7. Autologous implantation of chondrocytes, a cartilage-repairing procedure where healthy cells are isolated from other areas of the knee and replicated in a laboratory before being transplanted into the area of injury, is among the most innovative techniques used in the field of sports medicine.
    *ACI is also utilized to treat the abnormalities of the patella (knee cap) and various body joints. The procedure of implantation of autologous chondrocytes takes place in two phases.
  8. Sports Medicine isn’t just about recuperation. Diet and preventative treatment are equally important in the field of sports medicine.
    *Sports medicine covers a wide variety of specialities that encompass the physical and medical education fields, as being the fundamental sciences. Doctors who specialize in primary care or paediatrics could be team doctors with competitive teams of all levels in clinical medicine. An orthopaedic surgeon, a licensed athletic trainer, a physical therapist or kinesiotherapy, and a strength-and-conditioning coach are all common members of a sports medicine unit. Other specialists include sports nutritionists, sports psychologists and sports physical therapists.
  9. Rehabilitation is a process of aiding the body to regain its optimal function so that it is able to perform exactly as it should.
    *Those who have suffered injuries from sports or undergone surgery may require rehabilitation to restore their former performance. Patients are educated about safety and the steps to take when walking and fit as part of their preventative treatment. The goal of preventative medicine is to reduce the risk of accidents.
  10. Nutrition is a vital aspect of sports medicine because eating is the source of oxygen in the body.
  • The body can’t function properly in the absence of adequate nutrition, and this increases the risk of injuries.
  1. Preventative health is just as important as recuperation.
    It is more beneficial to prevent disease or illness rather than deal with it once it has already occurred. By preventing disability or disease, you keep the body healthy and allow an individual to keep playing their hobby or sport for the duration they want.
  2. Although a majority of muscle and joint issues can be fixed or managed, there are lots of health problems associated with sports medicine that can last for many years or for a lifetime.
    It is more beneficial to prevent injury, rather as opposed to treating it once it has happened. The prevention of disability or illness maintains the body’s stability and allows an individual to keep playing their chosen sport or activity for the duration they want. It’s not just for injuries that occur after it occurs, but it also plays an important role in protecting injuries too.
  3. Although cardiac problems are not common Musculoskeletal problems are frequent.
    *Over the course of a year, 21% of the 6,313 individuals who exercised every day had an injury related to exercise, as per a survey. The legs were the focus in nearly two-thirds of instances, with the knee being the joint most frequently injured.
  4. To ease the pain or to treat an illness, medications, injections or exercises to strengthen muscles are all options.
    *Sports medicine provides a range of options for medical treatment, with surgery generally being an option last resort. In the event of surgery, there are many specialists who specialize in minimally-invasive surgery, which allows patients to heal rapidly.
  5. Nearly half of the recreational runners get injured, most often caused by the knees, calves, or Achilles tendon, and the risk of injury is equal regardless of gender, age or experience.
    At some point in your lifetime, one of three athletes will experience an injury related to running. The lower leg is responsible for around three out of four running-related injuries. The most common causes are overtraining and poor technique.
  6. According to the Sports Nutritionists, Females who are healthy and fit tend to shed more fat while exercising than men.
    Females, on average, depending on fat as fuel sources when exercising more than males. Understanding the reasons for these differences in fuel use can provide light on the reason women seem to benefit from metabolic processes with respect to terms of insulin sensitivities.
  7. Drinking electrolytes rather than pure water can reduce muscle cramps.
    Muscle cramps are a frequent pain-producing condition that affects a wide range of people. This includes about 39 per cent of marathon runners, 52% of players in rugby and 60 percent of cyclists. A lot of people think that dehydration can cause muscle crampsare the cause, therefore they should drink water only during exercise. Minerals like sodium, magnesium, potassium and chloride constitute electrolytes. They are vital to maintain muscle health and aid with water absorption. Rehydration solutions for oral consumption are made with salt, water as well as sugar. They include electrolytes in specific amounts. They’re readily available in shops as well as in hospitals.
  8. Cardiac recovery is an important aspect of sports medicine. It does involve not only physicians but also allied health professionals, which include certified clinical exercise physiologists as well as nurses.
    Following a heart attack or other cardiovascular events, like an attack on the heart or surgery, these doctors help patients recover and assist in improving their functional capabilities.
  9. Physical Activity Recommendations for Americans was released in 2008 by the US government in the year 2008 and was the nation’s first collection of guidelines regarding how to determine the “level,” or quantity of physical activity required to maintain health for those who are between the ages of six and.
    This paper is based on an extensive analysis of science-based literature on health and fitness done with an expert group. The panel came across research that suggests that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week is beneficial for adults to avoid various illnesses that include stroke, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes (high blood pressure) as well as some types of cancer, as well as depression. Adults who exercised regularly as they could were observed to have a lower risk of falling ill, dying young in weight, and even gaining it. There was evidence that suggests this type of exercise may help decrease osteoporosis, hip fractures and lung cancer as well as endometrial cancer. It also aids in weight loss and boosts the efficiency of sleep.
  10. Strengthening of bones and muscles performed at least three times per week for children and two times per week for adults was discovered to increase fitness.
    The most effective exercises for bones include strength and weight-bearing exercises. Workouts that require you to bear weight force you to push against gravity. Jogging, cycling, flying as well as basketball, climbing stairs and dancing are a few. The lifting of weights and other exercises can help strengthen bones. Bicycling and swimming, for instance, are great ways to build and maintain healthy muscles, as well as provide excellent cardiovascular benefits. However, they’re not the only means to strengthen your bones.
  11. Regenerative medicine is becoming more popular, especially when medical professionals and researchers are seeking solutions for NSAIDs or cortisone. Regenerative medical treatments are commonly employed for sports-related medicine in order to heal or repair the damaged tendon, cartilage, as well as ligament tissue. The goal is to fix damaged tissues that aren’t able to heal properly on their own.
    From professional athletes to those who are striving to lead a healthier and active lifestyle, Regenerative medicine is an innovative treatment option for musculoskeletal and sports-related conditions and injuries. Regenerative therapies are classified into three types:

Cellular Therapy – Through injecting the live cell into patients, it will help them grow quicker. PRP and stem cells are two examples of cellular treatments that are utilized to treat tendinopathy as well as other injuries to athletes. Cellular therapy is also referred to as cytotherapy, or cell therapy.
Tissue Engineering Human tissue, human-made tissues, or even a mix of both can be used to heal or repair damaged tissues. Tissue engineering techniques are used to treat injuries to cartilage in sports medicine.
Other treatments aim to boost the body’s natural ability to repair tissues without adding new tissues or cells. This therapy method includes things like prolotherapy.

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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