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20 Amazing Facts About Tarantulas

Tarantulas are big, hairy fast-witted, powerful predators. They are a bit scary. However, they also have an enchanting beauty, and scientists continue to make exciting discoveries about the species. Here are some facts about tarantulas that you should keep in mind while going to Tarantulas Alive in Up-close in the exhibit from January 30 to June 30 in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.

Facts About Tarantulas

  1. Tarantulas are spiders. spiders are arachnids.
  2. There are more than 900 species of Tarantulas.
  3. Tarantulas vary in size from the size of a fingernail up to the size of an entire dinner plate.
  4. Silk is produced by all tarantulas that they utilize to line their burrows.
  5. Certain people from South America roast tarantulas and consume their tarantulas.
  6. The Tarantulas are covered with tiny hairs that cover their bodies which they kick-off when they are threatened.
  7. The Goliath bird-eating tarantula is among the largest spider that lives on Earth.
  8. Tarantulas are one of the terrifying predators. All tarantulas have venom. However, the majority are gentle.
  9. Certain species, such as the Goliath bird-eating tarantula, can inflict fatal bites by slicing through their fangs.
  10. Habitat destruction and the effect of pesticides pose a threat to some populations of tarantulas.
  11. Scientists aren’t certain why certain Tarantulas have a stunning hue of blue. 

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Amazing Facts About the Tarantula

  1. There are 990 species of tarantulas belonging to the family Theraphosidae.
  2. The Tarantula’s name is more based on myth than facts since the Tarantula is one of only a handful of species with a strong bite. The venoms of most species are not particularly harmful to humans. Tarantulas can be quite safe and only bite when provoked. In most instances, their bite isn’t more dangerous to human beings than a sting from a bee.
  3. The jaws of the Tarantula move upwards and downwards, rather than the usual side-to-side movement that is common in other spiders. They also have tiny eyes that can discern even the smallest movement and hairs that make up the body of the animal and are very sensitive to vibrations.
  4. Some species have hairbrushes that are adhesive located on the tips of their legs that allow the animals to walk vertically on even the most smooth of leaves.
  5. Tree-dwelling species find a mate through scent. They continue to follow the silky track that the female leaves when moving.
  6. When mating occurs during various seasons and rainstorms in desert regions of the southwestern part of Mexico can cause many male spiders to move about to search for a partner. In certain species, males dance an aggressive courtship dance to get the female to open up.
  7. After mating, the females carry their eggs inside a silken cocoon attached to their bodies. The transformation of a newly laid-out spider to a mature spider is a long-term process that can last up to 10 years.
  8. The Tarantula is not able to spin webs. It simply can bite its prey using long, curving fangs, injecting it with poison that slowly renders the victim ineffective. It then crushes its prey with its strong jaws while injecting fluid that degrades the victim’s tissue. The prey is transformed into a soft, pliable pulp that can be later consumed.
  9. Tarantulas come with a range of defenses. Certain species lean back on their thighs by elevating their legs and head and showing their fangs to create a threatening display. South American species of Tarantula utilize their legs to remove the fine hairs on the abdomen’s top. Tiny points cover every hair. It can be extremely painful and potentially hazardous when thrown toward an opponent, particularly when they contact the skin or eyes. These strategies are employed against various predators, including skunks and raccoons that try to pull the Tarantula from its hole or lizards, birds, and frogs, which could attack the Tarantula if it is out in the open.
  10. The spider-hunting wasp is the most dangerous enemy of the Tarantula. Also known as the ‘tarantula hawk, typically less large than the typical Tarantula, it can enter the spider’s burrow and can cripple it by stinging it. Then, it returns the spider to its burrow and continues to supply the necessary nutrients to its larvae.
  11. A purse-web spider, Atypus affinis, is one of the British species thought that it was a Tarantula; however, it’s now classified as a distinct species.
  12. A few of the most popular and vibrant species are endangered due to collecting exotic trade pets. The Mexican red-kneed Tarantula is a protected species, and the law prohibits trade for this species.
  13. The term tarantula is used to describe a spider throughout Southern Italy from the town of Taranto in the town of Taranto, where legend has it that a small species of spider that lived there suffered fatally injured. The only remedy was to make the victim move until exhausted when they were exhausted. The poison would have sweated out of the body (the fast-paced folk dance based on this Italian legend is known as the Tarantella).

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Shreya is a young mind who is always in search of creativity, be it in work or living a life. She's a keen observer who loves to pen down her thoughts on anything and everything. With a factful mind, she's here sharing some with you!


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