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14 Fun Facts About the Skeletal System

Your skeletal system can be described as the foundation of your body. Your body can do many amazing things with a solid foundation, including running and giving birth. Here are some Facts About the Skeletal System that you must know!

Discover the secrets of the skeletal system, including some trivia that you may not have known about the bones and cartilage, as well as the ligaments and other components that make up the skeletal system.

More than 200 bones make up your skeleton bones are found in your body. Every bone plays an important role in ensuring that your body functions properly. Broken bones can cause problems for all other bones.

Facts About the Skeletal System

1. There are two types of bones in the body

Although you may view bone as a dense, hard material, only one type is like it. Cortical bone is a dense, hard bone. Cortical bones are the structure bones.

Trabecular bone is a second type that’s soft and spongy. It is often found in large bones, such as the pelvis, ribs, and skull. It’s denser than cortical bones, but it’s still very hardy and protective.

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2. Bones are filled with spongy tissue

Bone marrow, a spongy substance, is found in large bones such as your hips and pelvis. Stem cells are found in the bone marrow. Stem cells are responsible for producing many of the most important cells in your body, such as blood, brain, and bone.

3. 300 bones are given to babies when they are born

While adults will have 206 bones by the time they are older, babies are blessed with nearly 100. It is not true that bones become less important as we age. These tiny bones fuse to create the larger bones in the skeletal system.

4. Your ear is the smallest bone in your body

The smallest bone is the stapes. It can be found in your inner ear. Because of its Y-shaped shape, this bone is sometimes called the stirrup. The stapes and the anvil bones and hammer bone help translate sounds into waves that your brain can understand.

5. Your leg is the longest bone in your body.

The longest and most important bone in your body is the femur. It runs from your hips to your knees. It is also the most strong. Think about how much weight one can carry in a single day. It’s no wonder that it’s so strong!

6. Bones are built to withstand a beating

Yes, bones can break. They are designed to withstand daily wear and tear. Some bones should be able to absorb at least two to three-time of your body weight. They should also be strong. Your bones must be able to withstand constant use.

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7. More than half of your bones are located in your hands, feet, and ankles

There are 206 bones total. Most of them are in your hands or feet.

8. A bone is not connected to another bone

The only one that doesn’t connect to a joint is the hyoid bone. It is located in your throat. Your tongue is held in place by the hyoid bone.

9. The majority of people have 12 ribs. However, some have 13.

It is very rare to have a 13th rib — only 1% of people are born with it. In most cases, this extra rib, also known as a cervical rib, can lead to neck pain and other medical problems. People born with an extra rib are often advised to have it removed.

10. Your knee is the largest joint in your body.

Three bones connect at the knee joint: your patella, tibia, and femur. These three large bones need a large joint to connect them. Your knee is the largest joint on your body.

11. The world doesn’t have a skeletal system as common as it used to be

Vertebrates are a group that includes humans. This means that our bones are covered in a network of tissue and skin. Only 10% of all animals on the planet (humans included) are vertebrates.

Invertebrates make up the remaining 90%. Their bones are located on the outside of their bodies.

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12. Teeth are stronger than bones, but they are more strong than teeth.

Your teeth are part of your skeletal structure and the enamel is more strong than your bones. Your delicate nerves, tissue, and teeth are protected by enamel. Your teeth can withstand more wear than any other bone, inch for inch.

13. Bones can be natural healers

Your body will produce new bone cells to heal the fractured bone. The brace or cast will ensure that the bone heals properly so that you don’t have any problems in the future.

14. You can eat your way to stronger bones

Bones lose strength over time. Calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, broccoli, and fish are essential to keeping bones strong. Also, exercise, particularly weight-bearing, is important to keep your bones strong.

Your skeletal system supports you for lifelong movement. You will be able to move more, have better health, and experience greater mobility if you take care of your skeletal system. A healthy and fulfilling life can be made possible by knowing how to care for your bones.

Ru is an entertainment nerd who likes to spill the beans about what's happening in the entertainment industry. She comes up with well-researched articles so that you can "Netflix and Chill." Come join her as she has a lot to tell her readers.


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