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5 Fundamental Facts About Digital Products That Will Inspire You to Create One

In recent years, we have seen a boom in digital products that are selling like hot cakes online. Now you can find hundreds of online courses on multiple platforms, numerous PDF files with useful information, templates for photos, videos, logos, and much more. Companies and ordinary users offer valuable webinars, guides, stock photos, and lessons on various subjects, attracting the attention of users from all over the world.

They come in all shapes, sizes, themes, and more. The most amazing thing is that everyone can, having valuable information, offer their target audience what they need. Everything that is stored in your head, in folders on your computer, can be turned into a digital product. However, if you want to create something of real value, you need to take care of flawless digital product design as well as functionality depending on what you are going to create.

We will share with you the basic facts about digital products that you should know.

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Fact #1. There are both complex and simple products

Most people do not even think about creating such products, because they think that there are only complex digital products, such as software, online courses, mobile applications, and more. However, do not forget that there are also quite simple products that anyone can create, knowing useful information or having valuable skills.

Manuals, audiobooks, templates, useful files, or music for commercial use – are things that can be created quite simply.

Fact #2. This is passive income

Fundamental Facts About Digital Products

Everyone dreams of creating something once and constantly receiving passive income from it. If we are talking about audiobooks, stock photos, online courses, or webinars, then you can create such products in only one copy, so that you can then sell them in unlimited quantities.

You just need to think about the marketing system. That is, you have to think about where and how you will sell your product and how you will virtually deliver it to users. You just need to work through everything at the initial stage, and then sit back and reap the benefits.

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Fact #3. There is no need to be a skilled professional to create them

Many people think that to create one, you need to be an experienced professional who is thoroughly versed in some field of knowledge. Of course, if you want to create some kind of software, mobile game, or application, then you need advanced knowledge in this area.

However, if, for example, we are talking about selling stock photos, then you only need a high-quality camera and take photos of a different nature, which will later be used by authors for writing articles, companies for posting on websites, and so on.

Fact #4. Sell them to people all over the world

Fundamental Facts About Digital Products

The Internet opens up endless possibilities for us. You do not need to think through the design concept for product packaging and create this packaging, the products you create do not need to be stored in warehouses, and you do not need to think over the system for delivering the physical product to the buyer. In addition, such products do not deteriorate or break.

You can sell as many copies as you want as long as your product is relevant to users. You just need to make sure that there are no problems for people to make a purchase and receive the product.

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Fact #5. Ease of sale

To sell products, you don’t need a complicated website that you’ll pay a lot of money to build, or you don’t need a special payment system. You can now invoice customers using services to accept online payments in several currencies. Other than that, you can create a store in just a short amount of time with a landing page using ready-made templates.


Digital products are not as complex as they might seem at first glance. There are both complex products and simple ones that anyone can create. You can start earning by creating a product in only one copy and selling it in unlimited quantities.


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