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Top 10 Facts About Hurricanes!

Although hurricanes can be a beautiful display of Mother Nature’s power, they can also cause severe damage to coastlines when they produce large waves.

Although hurricanes are usually less powerful than those that hit land, they can still cause flooding inland due to storm surges or heavy rains. These are some more fascinating Facts About Hurricanes.

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10 Facts About Hurricanes

1. Tropical storms or cyclones that form in the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico are called hurricanes. Typhoons are hurricanes that form in Northwest Pacific near Japan. Cyclones are those that form in the South Pacific or Indian oceans.

2 Hurricanes are some of the most destructive storms on Earth. They can range in size from 100 to 2,000 kilometers. Typhoon Tip in the northwest Pacific is the largest hurricane ever recorded. It occurred in 1979. It measured approximately 2,220 kilometers in diameter.

3. Hurricanes have eyes typically between 30-65 km and a diameter of mostly calm conditions. The storm will calm down if it passes through an area. The ‘eyewall’ is where severe weather can occur.

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4 A tropical hurricane has winds of at least 119 km/h. Hurricane Patricia, 2015 at 345 km/h, was the fastest hurricane wind speed recorded.

5. The hurricane season is from June to December. It occurs when there are warm waters and humid atmospheres that allow for tropical storms’ formation.

6. The energy released by hurricanes is enormous. A large hurricane releases energy every second. This is equivalent to atomic bombs. Sometimes, hurricanes are called “heat engines”.

7. Hurricane winds move in the Northern Hemisphere around its center, while the winds move clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Coriolis Effect.

8. Hurricanes rarely produce thunder or lightning because vertical winds cause water ice to clump together. Hurricane winds tend to be horizontal. However, hurricanes like Hurricane Rita, Hurricane Emily, and Hurricane Katrina were accompanied by thunder and lightning in 2005.

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9. Canada’s deadliest hurricane was the Newfoundland Hurricane on September 9, 1775. It killed more than 4,000 people. The Newfoundland Hurricane is not only the oldest recorded hurricane in Canada, but it is also the most deadly.

10 The name “hurricane”, comes from “hurucane,” an indigenous Taino word that denotes “evil spirit or the wind”. This is not surprising.

Preparedness is the key to staying safe during a hurricane. This article contains essential tips for hurricane preparation. The PuroClean staff can restore any property that has suffered fire, water, or mold damage.

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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