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Facts About God

Although the gospels do not provide a complete, unbroken account of Christ’s life on earth, they have enough information for the world to continue reading. The gospels tell the amazing story of God’s visit to Earth to save humanity for the 2.3 Billion Christians around the globe.

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Many details go beyond the familiar stories and parables to illuminate important points about Jesus, his disciples, and the first century of life in the Near East. These are 40 fascinating facts about Jesus’ life.

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Facts About God

  1. The word “God,” in whatever language it is uttered, picks out a concept or being that is arguably more existentially important to individual human beings, and more historically momentous, than any other single word.
  2. There are many meanings of “God”. The term can be used to describe beings of mere might and power, such as the ancient Greek gods Zeus, Hera, and Apollo, or it can denote a qualitatively different sort of being, an eternal, uncreated Divinity, through which all else exists and has its being, such as the Judeo-Christian God, or Hinduism’s Brahman.
  3. Some religions do not believe in one or more gods. Buddhism does not have a concept that is identical to the Western idea of “God”.
  4. Gallup’s 2016 poll found that 89% believe in God. This decreases the 94% who answered yes in the 1944 Gallup poll.
  5. Although Judaism and Christianity are very different religions, they worship the same historic deity: God of Abraham.
  6. Monotheism refers to belief in one deity, while polytheism believes in many gods.
  7. Major monotheistic traditions are Judaism and Christianity.
  8. The following are major world polytheistic religions: ancient Egyptian religion, Sumerian faith, ancient Greek and Roman religions; Hinduism; religious Taoism and certain Buddhist sects.
  9. The Judeo-Christian God is thought to be omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient, (all-knowing), or omnibenevolent.
  10. God is often represented as being primordial Reason, willing ordered creation from Its own Being (William Blake)
  11. God is often described as “transcendent” in the physical universe. This means that God is metaphysically distinct from the world of physical cause, effect, and correlation.
  12. Atheism refers to the belief that there are no gods or other divine beings. Although this belief has been popularized over the centuries, it is still relatively new. Widespread atheism is nowhere to be found before the Modern era.
  13. The God of Abraham is distinguished from the graven images and tribal deities worshipped by Abraham’s contemporaries. Abraham’s God isn’t a tribal deity that rules over a particular Earth area, but is depicted as the only God, and the supreme and sole Deity.
  14. Suppose it may be permitted to translate the communings of the Infinite with Himself into human language. In that case, we may imagine God addressing himself in these terms: I am from eternity to eternity: apart from me there is nothing, except it be through me.
  15. The ancient Mesopotamians saw the Divine as the power within certain immanent objects, such as the sun and moon , or the power that caused a seed to grow.
  16. Mary Adams of Tillingham in England claimed she was pregnant by God’s child in 1652. He was to be known as the Messiah. After eight days of labor, she gave birth to a stillborn creature with toad-like claws. She then committed suicide by dismembering herself.
  17. Participation in the kingdom is an ideal spiritual state for many Christians.
  18. Sometimes, the God of the Old Testament appears jealous of the worship of the Jews and at other times is arguably cruel and arbitrary in his distributions of punishment and vengeance.
  19. Many people are unsure whether God exists or not. This is called agnosticism.
  20. The Rishis lived ascetic lives devoted to prayer and mediation
  21. The holy sages known as “Rishis” wrote the Hindu scriptures such as the Vedas or Upanishads. According to the Rishis, Brahman, or the infinite Godhead, was the ultimate reality. Each person’s true self is called the “Atman.” According to Hindu theology, we are all inextricably connected to God and, in some ways, identical to God.
  22. Two domains can describe theology (the study of God). Revealed Theology is the study and interpretation of holy texts, such as the Bible and Qur’an. It also includes the words of prophets and holy people. “Natural Theology” is a way to talk about God using natural reason and philosophy
  23. Three types of arguments for God’s existence are available within the Western natural theology domain: ontological, cosmological, and teleological.
  24. Henotheism is a practice of polytheism that involves worshipping a single, individual god from the pantheon.
  25. “Pantheism” refers to the belief that God and Nature are one and the exact same thing or that God is present in all things.
  26. A group of boys ridicule Elisha, the prophet in the Old Testament. Elisha curses the boys for being bald and two bears descend from the mountain to kill 42 of them.
  27. A flag wrapped around a staff is the oldest symbol of god in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
  28. The Christian tradition holds God is neither male or female but transcends gender.
  29. According to polls, belief in God is more widespread in poorer countries than in richer ones. Atheism is more prevalent among the wealthy.
  30. Around eight out of ten people worldwide identify as belonging to a religious group. Christianity is the largest religion worldwide, representing 32% of the global population. Islam accounts for 23%.
  31. Islamic art is dominated by calligraphy and geometrical form
  32. It is prohibited to depict God in Islamic art.
  33. Norway, China and Japan are some of the most avowed atheist countries.
  34. Roman Catholicism and many other off-branching Christian denominations identify God as a three-person Trinity, consisting of Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
  35. According to the Nicene Creed, there is only one God. He is “the Father Almighty”, creator of Heaven and earth and all things visible or invisible.
  36. Being a non-religious person is not the same as being an atheist.
  37. Hinduism is a large pantheon that includes Vishnu, Siva, and Brahma, the creator. The core of Hinduism is the idea of Brahman. He is the ultimate uncreated reality and supreme godhead.
  38. The Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza once famously claimed that reality was made up of one substance. He called it Deus sive Natura, or “God or Nature”. This argument was deemed heretical and Spinoza was exiled form his Jewish community
  39. St. Augustine, pictured here with his mother, St. Monica, is one of the founding philosophers of the Christian church
  40. In his spiritual autobiography The Confessions, Catholic Church Father St. Augustine describes a journey to God. Augustine recounts his journey to God in his famous spiritual autobiography, The Confessions.
  41. The Sikh religion is known for its devotion to God. They don’t cut their hair as a sign that they accept God’s will. Sikhs wear a steel bracelet to symbolize their faith and acceptance of God’s will.
  42. The Catholic belief of “real presence” states that Jesus Christ’s body and blood are literally and wholly present within the bread and wine at the Eucharist.
  43. Tradition says that Muslim rug weavers would make small, intentional flaws in their creations to acknowledge that God is the only creator.
  44. The vast majority of theistic religious traditions agree that lasting happiness cannot be achieved without God.
  45. You are great, O Lord, and greatly to be praised: great is your power and there is no limit to your wisdom. And man, who is a part of your creation, wishes to praise you…You arouse him to take joy in praising you, for you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.
  46. God has been cited as the motivation for some of humanity’s best and worst deeds. Some of the world’s most enduring artistic accomplishments, including music, sculpture, painting, and architecture, have been inspired by a love for the Divine. Unfortunately, war and mass killings have also been justified through appeal to God’s will.
  47. Some mystics from different religious traditions approach God romantically or erotically. Certain mystics from different religious traditions often approach God romantically or erotically.
  48. About 6% of the world population practices “folk religions.” These religions are often localized to a particular region or tribe and have little or no written creed. Some religions have a belief system that includes a god or set of gods.
  49. In his Summa Theologiae monumental treatise, St. Thomas Aquinas argued that God can be proven in five ways. The Quinque viae or five ways are classics in scholastic theology.
  50. In early Egyptian religious texts, 200 deities are listed. One text that was written only a few centuries after the fact lists 500 deities. Records of Egyptian myths give number as high as 800.
  51. In this scene from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the soul of the deceased is being guided through the underworld while the god Osiris looks on
  52. To convert to Islam one must first affirm before two Muslim witnesses.
  53. Deism refers to the belief that there is a God or gods, but they do not interfere in human affairs. This belief is different from theism which believes that there are deities or deities involved in the creation of the world.
  54. Hinduism allows individuals to choose which gods they wish to worship.
  55. The Trinity doctrine is the ultimate mystery of Christian faith. It holds Father, Son and Holy Spirit to be one God, in three divine persons. This ineffable mystery is what the Catholic Church considers the ultimate mystery of the Christian faith.
  56. Islam contains 99 names for God, broken into the Names of Majesty (24)
  57. Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, proposed a well-known and often overlooked “wager” to believe in God’s existence. Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, suggested a famous and little-understood “wager” for belief in God’s existence.
  58. Christians hold that God freely sacrificed his only son in order to save humanity from their sins (Diego Velázquez)
  59. The Christian doctrine states that God became a man through Jesus Christ. This is an incarnation from God into the created world.
  60. The Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe that God created man in His image and likeness. Theologians often interpret this to mean that human beings are created in God’s image and likeness.
  61. A mask representing a deity was common in primitive societies’ festivals.
  62. Depending on whether they were hunting, or agricultural tribes, early North American tribes had different views of divinity.
  63. Mahatma Gandhi died at the age of 82. His last words were “Rama,” a Hindu name for God.
  64. Hinduism states that God expects humans to do their duty.
  65. Although Confucianism does not contain any specific beliefs about God, they have a concept they call Heaven, an all-knowing, all-present source of life and self-transformation.
  66. Hinduism has 10 avatars or incarnations of Lord Vishnu the preserver god. He has appeared on as a turtle and many other humans including Krishna and Buddha.
  67. Religious Taoism’s gods often descend to the human world, and even interact with it. Particularly, female gods are believed to live on Earth often and marry mortal men.
  68. Scholars disagree on whether Judaism is primarily an ethnicity or a religion. Jacob Neusner, a well-known Jewish scholar, believes that Judaism’s central feature is its lineage of people who believe God spoke through Moses on Mt. Sinai.
  69. The revelation given by God to Moses is the bedrock of the Jewish faith (Sébastien Bourdon)
  70. Allah is not the name a tribe or ethnic God. It is the supreme Divine Principle in Arabic.
  71. The West has many names for God, including Heavenly Father, Almighty, All-Knowing and Maker of Heaven and earth. Aristotle called God either the Prime Mover or God the Unmoved. Plotinus also called God the One.
  72. Joseph Smith claimed that he saw God the Father and JesusChrist in a small wooded area near Manchester, New York. This vision occurred in 1820. He claimed that God directed him to create a new church, which would be known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
  73. God is called the “Black Light” in Islamic mysticism because God is beyond comprehension or understanding.
  74. Xenophanes, an ancient Greek philosopher, criticized the ancient gods and pointed out that deities from different cultures tended look similar to those who worshiped them. Xenophanes, an ancient Greek philosopher, criticized the gods of the past. He pointed out how deities from different cultures tended to look like the people who worshiped them.
  75. Now if cattle, horses, or lions had hands and were able to draw with their hands and perform works like men, horses like horses and cattle like cattle would draw the forms of gods and make their bodies just like the body each of them had.
  76. A Romanian man convicted of murder tried to sue God in court for failing to keep him from temptation and evil.
  77. According to the Jewish Kabbalah, God had to shrink within Himself to make space for creation. God then released His light into vessels which were unable to contain Him. The created world is made of shattered vessels.
  78. Set, an ancient Egyptian god, killed Osiris and chopped him up. Isis, the fertility goddess, reassembled him but could not find his penis.
  79. Many neolithic peoples worshiped the Mother God, or the Great Goddess.
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