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Fun Facts About Flowers for Kids

For most people, flowers are thought of as objects that are used to decorate bodies, homes, gardens, and so on. However, they serve many more functions other than decoration. Here are some amazing Facts About Flowers for Kids!

Flowers are part of plants that create seeds that then create new plants. To create seeds, the pollen of one flower needs to be mixed with eggs from another flower. This is known as pollination. Flowers are able to attract particular pollinators like moths, bees, flies, or hummingbirds, to mention some.

That is why they are vividly colored and scent-filled, making them the gorgeous flowers they are. The truth about flowers is that, without flowers, we wouldn’t have food, medicine, and dyes, as well as textiles and the other essentials of everyday life. There are many fascinating details about the flowers!

How Flowers grow and eat–Photosynthesis

  • A few facts about flowers are that they get their nutrition from water, sunlight, and soil minerals. Flowers are the reproductive components of a plant. plants create their own food via Photosynthesis.
  • The plants can Photosynthesis due to cells known as chloroplasts which contain chlorophyll. This is what gives plants their green. The sun strikes the chloroplasts and then combines carbon dioxide, which plants obtain from their leaves, as well as the water they get from their roots to create glucose or sugar. It feeds the plant’s source, which provides the plant with energy to grow and produce flowers.
  • The plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO 2, through tiny holes within their leaves, known as stomata. They then release oxygen via the stomata. The animals and plants were created to coexist! Animals need the oxygen plants release and plants require the carbon dioxide that animals release out.
  • Some people also add fertilizer or plant food, to provide plants with additional nutrients and minerals to help them improve their growth. Fertilizers cannot replace sunlight or water.
  • Without water and sunlight, the plants will die.

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Parts of the Flower

  • The outer part of a bloom that can be easily seen comprises of petals, which is the part of the flower that is a colored flower and the sepals, tiny green structures that resemble small petals at the bottom of the flower.
  • The inside of a flower is called the pistil or female part in the bloom. The pistil appears like the shape of a vase, with a long neck. This top part of the “vase” is known as the stigma. The long neck is referred to as the style. The lower, more fat portion in the vase is known as the Ovarian and is home to eggs or ovules.
  • In flower, too, are part of it that is male. These are stamens. The stamens are made up of the filament and the anther. The filament appears like a rigid and a standing part of the string. The top of the filament is a ball that is round in pollen known as the anther. The pollen usually has bright orange or yellow color.
  • Pollinators like bees and animals, and birds visit and collect pollen from flowers. Pollen sticks on their body. When they go to another flower to collect more pollen, pollen from the previous flower is deposited onto the pistil of the new bloom, fertilizes the eggs within the ovary, and seeds are formed.

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Interesting Facts About Flowers

  • Flowers didn’t always exist and first appeared around about 140 million years ago. Before that, ferns, as well as cone-bearing trees, dominated the landscape.
  • Several centuries ago in Holland the Netherlands, tulips were more precious than gold in the past.
  • Broccoli is actually a flower.
  • Certain plants, like orchids, do not require soil for growth. They get all their nutrition from the air.
  • Certain plants release poisonous substances that kill plants in their vicinity. The sunflower is a prime example.
  • Carnivorous plants are flowers that eat insects and small animals! For instance, the Venus fly trap is made of leaves covered with tiny hairs. When a pest lands on hairs, the trap is closed and digestive juices are used to digest the insect. Other carnivorous species like pitcher plants have leaves that create pitchers that are filled with digestive fluids. Frogs, insects and other tiny creatures are drawn by the nectar and vibrant colors of the pitchers and flowers. Certain unfortunate animals fall in the water, drown, get taken up by the water, and digested.

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Fun Facts About Flowers The weirdest thing about Flowers

  • Not all flowers smell good. One of the rarest and largest, most fragrant and most bizarre-looking flowers is called the titan arum or the corpse flowers. It’s called the corpse flower due to its smell of an rotting dead body. The flower stands over eight foot high and measures 12 feet in diameter. They smell like decaying flesh to attract the flies that are their preferred pollinators. Some have even been known to be ill due to the scent!
  • The biggest Flower that exists in the world is Puya raimondii. Puya raimondii is 35,000 feet tall and carries more than 8,000 white flowers.
  • Mimosa price, also known as a sensitive plant, can fold its leaves when in contact with it. It is whitish, soft pink blooms that resemble little pom-poms.
  • Bird of Paradise Bird of Paradise is a stunning, unusually-shaped plant that looks like a vibrant tropical bird.
  • Corkscrew vine flowers, Vigna Caracalla It is an elongated flower that resembles snail shells.

Flowers for Kids-Fun Activities for Kids to Do with Flowers

  • SnapDragon flowers look like little mouths. If you press at the edges of the flowers, its mouth will expand and could “eat” items. If you let the petals of the flower, it will close once more.
  • Lunaria, also called a money plant, is purple flowers that transform into silver papery quarter-shaped seedpods that can be used as play money or jewelry.
  • False dragonhead or obedient plants is a flowering spike with flowers that can be bent to the position.
  • Hollyhocks are a great flower for children. They are beautiful and large and can be transformed into dolls. Cut off the flower, bud, and all to make the body as well as the skirt. Then pick a flower for the head. It can be attached using a toothpick. Draw a face using markers.
  • Dry flowers and press them to create crafts. Choose flowers that are flattened like violets and then place them between pages of heavy books. The flowers that are pressed can be used to make jewelry, placemats, and other artifacts.
  • One of the most interesting aspects of flowers is some could be consumed! Flowers from squash, such as the pumpkin blossoms, are cooked in batter and consumed. Pansies, nasturtiums, violas, and violets can be baked or frozen into Ice cubes. The flowers of Dandelion can be transformed into jellies or added to salads or even made into tea. Before eating any flower, be sure that the adult who is serving it has confirmed that it’s safe. Certain plants can be poisonous or were treated with toxic pesticides.
  • Create a daisy necklace of blooms by choosing long stems of flowers, cutting a slit into the stem, and then pulling the second stem to ensure that the flower heads can’t easily be pulled out. Repeat this process to create the chain, which can later be used as garlands or jewelry.
Ru is an entertainment nerd who likes to spill the beans about what's happening in the entertainment industry. She comes up with well-researched articles so that you can "Netflix and Chill." Come join her as she has a lot to tell her readers.


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