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Rebel Hard Coffee Nutrition Facts

Coffee consumption for me is restricted to the morning hours, which could be anywhere between 5:15 a.m. and noon. Learn more Rebel Hard Coffee Nutrition Facts here!

After tasting Rebel Hard Coffee, I’ve extended my time of coffee to 9 p.m.

It is part of my ongoing canned drink reviews. These Rebel drinks were launched in the last quarter of 2013 with the help of Twelve5 Beverage Co. (The drinks were initially marketed as Brown Bomber Hard Coffee, but they were changed to Rebel.)

Three drinks are available all year round: Hard Cold Brew, Vanilla Hard Latte, and one I haven’t had the chance to try, Mocha Hard Latte. I did drink some of their seasonal drinks, Peppermint Mocha Latte. It’s a great latte, and I’d love to drink more.

One feature that needs to be noted would be the can. It’s which is a slim, tall drink from the can that is just as soft as the contents inside. It’s just lovely to hold the can as you shake it a shake before you take it out. I’ve not found any other canned drinks that include this feature.

In addition to the 100 %, Arabica coffee is milk (for the lattes), malt, sugar, and natural flavors. Hard Cold Brew Hard Cold Brew has only 4 percent ABV (alcohol by volume), which means it doesn’t cause you to look twice as drunk. The lattes are 5-percent ABV. They all contain more caffeine than the equivalent of a half-cup regular coffee.

For calories: The cold brew is 115 calories; however, the calorie count for a latte is not in the cans nor on the website. This means that they could be used as an afternoon snack on their own, in terms of calories, since they’re milk-based.

What a great snack! There’s a hint of sweetness in the drinks that makes them more akin to milkshakes. Come to consider it. They’d be delicious served over ice cream. A vanilla soft latte made me think of a cappuccino. The cold brew’s sweetness isn’t as intense.

Regular readers will know that I don’t like to rave about most items, but these are a hit with me. They can be found on Total Wine stores, where the four-pack of 11.2-oz. cold brew cans cost $10.99, and the peppermint 4-pack costs $9.99.

Also, read Minute Maid Lemonade Nutrition Facts!

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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